
This scoping object is created by the ScriptScope.git function. Its purpose is providing access to functionality such as execution functions that interact with Git source repositories.


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abstract val ctx: ScopeContext

This field contains the context object that is applicable to the scope that defines the execution. The object is inherited directly from the parent net.democritus.scripting.scope.ScriptScope without alterations.


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This execution function is used to create a new Git commit of the current state. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of an GitCommitExecutionTemplate object, in which the parameters for the expansion process can be declared.

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A scoping function to execute a code block conditionally based on the declarative condition argument.

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fun ScriptScope.dir(dirPath: Path, body: DirScope.() -> Unit)
fun ScriptScope.dir(dirPath: String, body: DirScope.() -> Unit)

A scoping function to execute a code block within the context of a DirScope instance, which adapts the path in the scope context at ScopeContext.path to the given value of dirPath. The value of dirPath is automatically resolved if it is a relative path.

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This execution function is used to run a process on the machine. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of a ExecExecutionTemplate object, in which the arguments for the process can be declared.

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fun GitScope.flow(condition: ScopeActivationCondition = always, body: GitFlowScope.() -> Unit)

A scoping function to execute a code block within the context of an GitFlowScope instance, which provides functionality to perform aggregate Git operations with the Flow plugin.

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fun ScriptScope.git(condition: ScopeActivationCondition = always, body: GitScope.() -> Unit)

A scoping function to execute a code block within the context of an GitScope instance, which provides functionality to interact with Git source repositories.

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This execution function is used to run Maven. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of a MavenExecutionTemplate object, in which the parameters for Maven can be declared.

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fun ScriptScope.npm(condition: ScopeActivationCondition = always, body: NpmScope.() -> Unit)

A scoping function to execute a code block within the context of an NpmScope instance, which provides functionality to execute NPM commands.

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fun ScriptScope.ns(condition: ScopeActivationCondition = always, body: NSScope.() -> Unit)

A scoping function to execute a code block within the context of an NSScope instance, which provides utility functions specific to NSX tooling.

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This execution function is used to push Git refs to a remote. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of an GitPushExecutionTemplate object, in which the parameters for the expansion process can be declared.

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This execution function is used to create a new Git tag of the current ref. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of an GitTagExecutionTemplate object, in which the parameters for the expansion process can be declared.