
Full name:



List ExpansionResource dependencies of a ApplicationExpansionSettings, ExpansionResource artifact, or ExpansionTrace zip.


  • The goal is not marked as thread-safe and thus does not support parallel builds.
  • Since version: 2021.0.0.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<artifact> String 2021.0.0 Reference to an expansionResource artifact ("groupId:artifactId:version").
User Property: artifact
<expansionSettings> File 2021.0.0 Path to an expansionSettings file.

If no input option is defined (i.e. artifact, traceZip, or expansionSettings), the default conf location is used.

Default: ${project.basedir}/conf/expansionSettings.xml
User Property: expansionSettings
<outputFile> File 2021.0.0 EXPERIMENTAL: The XML structure is experimental, and may change without prior notice.

A path to a xml file where the list of dependencies should be written to.

User Property: outputFile
<traceZip> File 2021.0.0 Path to a expansionTrace.zip file.
User Property: traceZip

Parameter Details


Reference to an expansionResource artifact ("groupId:artifactId:version").
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2021.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: artifact


Path to an expansionSettings file.

If no input option is defined (i.e. artifact, traceZip, or expansionSettings), the default conf location is used.

  • Type: java.io.File
  • Since: 2021.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: expansionSettings
  • Default: ${project.basedir}/conf/expansionSettings.xml


EXPERIMENTAL: The XML structure is experimental, and may change without prior notice.

A path to a xml file where the list of dependencies should be written to.

  • Type: java.io.File
  • Since: 2021.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: outputFile


Path to a expansionTrace.zip file.
  • Type: java.io.File
  • Since: 2021.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: traceZip