
Important Changes

  • 2020.13.0 GroupId change
    • GroupId has changed to net.democritus.maven.plugins starting with version 2020.13.0.
  • 2021.0.0 drops support for Expanders <4.4.x
    • Support for Expanders <4.4.x has been dropped in version 2021.0.0.
    • The last compatible version is 2020.18.0.

Expanders Maven Plugin

Expand, harvest, and manage nsx projects from maven.

Goals Overview

This plugin has the following goals for application development.

This plugin has the following goals for expansionResource development.


General instructions on how to use the Expanders Maven Plugin can be found on the usage page. Some more specific use cases are described in the examples given below.


To provide you with better understanding of some usages of the Plugin Name, you can take a look into the following examples: