Package-level declarations

This package supplies APIs to perform operations related to Normalized systems development.


The following script runs NS expansion, where the expand function is available as an extension of the NSScope class. The body of the ns function is actually a trailing lambda function argument which is a higher-order function that runs within the scope of an NSScope object.

ns {
expand { }


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The ExecutionTemplate which is created using the expand and harvest execution builder functions. This template class is used as a builder to construct the arguments to start an NS tooling specific execution, such as expanding or harvesting.

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interface NSScope : ScriptScope

This scoping object is created by the ScriptScope.ns function. Its purpose is providing access to functionality such as execution functions that specifically target NS tooling.

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The ExecutionTemplate which is created using the validateModel execution builder function. This template class is used as a builder to construct the arguments to start executing an NS model validation.


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This execution function is used to run an expansion process with the NS expansion framework. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of an NSExecutionTemplate object, in which the parameters for the expansion process can be declared.

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This execution function is used to run a harvesting process with the NS expansion framework. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of an NSExecutionTemplate object, in which the parameters for the harvesting process can be declared.

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fun ScriptScope.ns(condition: ScopeActivationCondition = always, body: NSScope.() -> Unit)

A scoping function to execute a code block within the context of an NSScope instance, which provides utility functions specific to NSX tooling.

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This execution function is used to run a model validation process with the NS expansion framework. The body parameter is supplied as a higher-order function that executes within the scope of an NSExecutionTemplate object, in which the parameters for the model validation process can be declared.