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4.35.0 (2024-07-24)


  • Reduced use of jgit to avoid issues with commit signing.


  • Application project:
    • Updated use of ENV in Dockerfile so it no longer uses the deprecated format.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 7.3.1 -> 7.6.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2024.7.1 -> 2024.9.8
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2024.2.1 -> 2024.3.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2024.3.8 -> 2024.4.2
    • net.democritus.test:expanders-assert: 0.6.0 -> 0.9.0
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 24.0.5 to 25.0.2.


  • Application project:
    • Removed deprecated file format version from docker-compose files.

4.34.0 (2024-06-05)


  • Removed quotes from initial commit message.


  • Updated ns-metamodel-initializer to new setup with ontology-metamodel-expanders.
  • Changed the parameters and interactive user flow of ontology-metamodel-expanders. It now separately asks to create a new Program and/or to create a Model extension.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 7.1.1 -> 7.3.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2024.5.0 -> 2024.7.1
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2024.1.1 -> 2024.2.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2024.2.2 -> 2024.3.8
    • net.democritus.test:expanders-assert: 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0
  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.16-2.33.1 to 8.0.16-2.34.0.
    • Updated nsx-tomee-builder docker base image from version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 24.0.3 to 24.0.5.

4.33.0 (2024-04-30)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 7.0.7 -> 7.1.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2024.3.8 -> 2024.5.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2024.1.0 -> 2024.1.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2024.1.1 -> 2024.2.2
    • net.democritus.test:expanders-assert: 0.3.0 -> 0.5.0
  • Moved prime-data dependency to test scope in pom.xml for expanders project.

4.32.0 (2024-04-18)


  • Expanders project:
    • Added expanders-assert for testing.
    • Added dependency on SLF4J for testing to avoid warnings about missing logging framework.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 7.0.4 -> 7.0.7
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2024.3.4 -> 2024.3.8
    • net.democritus:prime-data: 2024.0.1 -> 2024.0.2
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 4.0.1 > 4.1.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2024.0.0 -> 2024.1.0
    • org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-maven-plugin: 2.6.2 -> 2.8.0
    • org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: 0.8.11 -> 0.8.12
    • org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: ->
  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.16-2.32.0 to 8.0.16-2.33.1.
  • Expanders project:
    • Use JUnit5 instead of JUnit4.
    • Target Java 17 for expander development.
    • Updated example expander test to use expanders-assert.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 24.0.2 to 24.0.3.

4.31.0 (2024-03-31)


  • Expanders project:
    • The Jenkinsfile had a bug causing the project not to be deployed on the develop branch.

Changed (N/A)

  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.16-2.31.0 to 8.0.16-2.32.0.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 6.6.1 -> 7.0.4
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2024.2.1 -> 2024.3.4

4.30.0 (2024-03-29)


  • Application project:
    • Call command-line git to create initial commit in case signing is enabled.
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.16-2.30.0 to 8.0.16-2.31.0.
  • Expanders project:
    • Added pom.xml.versionsBackup to .gitignore.
    • Call command-line git to create initial commit in case signing is enabled.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Call command-line git to create initial commit in case signing is enabled.
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 23.0.7 to 24.0.2.
  • Metamodel project:
    • Call command-line git to create initial commit in case signing is enabled.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 6.5.0 -> 6.6.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2024.0.4 -> 2024.1.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2024.1.0 -> 2024.2.1

4.29.1 (2024-02-28)


  • Added missing git-flow dependency for APT package.

4.29.0 (2024-02-26)


  • Expander project:
    • Pipeline with Git Flow did not deploy on tag, but master instead.


  • Application project:
    • Added dependency analyzer for Docker image to Jenkinsfile.
  • Expander project:
    • Release procedure in readme.


  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.16-2.29.0 to 8.0.16-2.30.0.
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 3.1.0 > 4.0.1
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 23.0.6 to 23.0.7.

4.28.0 (2024-02-08)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 6.4.1 -> 6.5.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2024.0.0 -> 2024.1.0
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 3.0.1 > 3.1.0
  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.16-2.28.0 to 8.0.16-2.29.0.
    • Moved all options from ApplicationInstance to Application.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 23.0.4 to 23.0.6.


  • Application project:
    • Removed JaCoCo reporting in Jenkins (still used for Sonarqube).
  • Expanders project:
    • Removed JaCoCo reporting in Jenkins (still used for Sonarqube).

4.27.0 (2024-01-21)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 6.0.2 -> 6.4.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.24.2 -> 2024.0.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.11.1 -> 2024.0.4
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.11.1 -> 2024.0.4
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.8.0 -> 2024.0.0
  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.15-2.26.0 to 8.0.16-2.28.0.
    • Updated postgres docker base image from version 15 to 16.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 23.0.1 to 23.0.4.

4.26.0 (2023-12-11)


  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.15-2.25.1 to 8.0.16-2.26.0.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated keycloak docker base image from version 22.0.5 to 23.0.1.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.37.5 -> 6.0.2
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.21.5 -> 2023.24.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.9.2 -> 2023.11.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.9.2 -> 2023.11.1
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.7.0 -> 2023.8.0

4.25.0 (2023-10-26)


  • Application project:
    • Updated broken documentation url in configuration file for model validations.


  • Application project:
    • Now targets Java 21, allowing Java 21 features to be used in applications.
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.15-2.24.0 to 8.0.15-2.25.1.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.37.4 -> 5.37.5
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.21.2 -> 2023.21.5
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.9.1 -> 2023.9.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.9.1 -> 2023.9.2
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:nsx-versions-maven-plugin: 2023.1.2 -> 2023.2.0
    • org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin: 3.6.0 -> 3.6.1


  • Application project:
    • Removed includeRemoteAccess option from CountryDataLookup task element in example.
    • Removed the validation base component from new application projects.

4.24.0 (2023-10-18)


  • Application project:
    • Fixed escape characters for regular expression in set-version.nss script.
  • Expanders project:
    • Fixed delimiters in test template for example expander.


  • Expanders project:
    • Added support for Git Flow (now default).
    • Added set-version.nss script.
    • Added release.nss script.


  • All projects:
    • Build with JDK 21 on Jenkins.
  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.15-2.22.0 to 8.0.15-2.24.0.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.36.7 -> 5.37.4
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.20.0 -> 2023.21.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.8.0 -> 2023.9.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.8.0 -> 2023.9.1
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.6.1 -> 2023.7.0
    • org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: 0.8.10 -> 0.8.11

4.23.0 (2023-10-11)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.34.0 -> 5.36.7
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.17.0 -> 2023.20.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.6.1 -> 2023.8.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.6.1 -> 2023.8.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.5.0 -> 2023.6.1
    • org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: ->

4.22.0 (2023-09-20)


  • Application project:
    • Added default option persistence.identifier: identityColumn.
    • Added default option persistence.schemaUpdating: none.


  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.15-2.21.1 to 8.0.15-2.22.0.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.32.1 -> 5.34.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.15.2 -> 2023.17.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-parent: 2023.0.1 -> 2023.0.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.5.4 -> 2023.6.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.5.4 -> 2023.6.1

4.21.0 (2023-09-06)


  • Application project:
    • (INIT-31) Fixed identifier of datasources to match the naming in expanders.


  • Application project:
    • Added default option
    • Added default option security.hstsHeader.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.30.5 -> 5.32.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.14.4 -> 2023.15.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.5.3 -> 2023.5.4
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.5.3 -> 2023.5.4


  • Application project:
    • Removed default option finders.enableTypedFinders as it is now the default behavior.

4.20.0 (2023-08-09)


  • Application project:
    • (INIT-28) script for Docker image did not stop the container if wait-for-it timed out on detecting the database port.


  • Application project:
    • Added renovate.json config file to enable Renovate.
  • Expanders project:
    • Added renovate.json config file to enable Renovate.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Added renovate.json config file to enable Renovate.
  • Metamodel project:
    • Added renovate.json config file to enable Renovate.


  • Keycloak project:
    • Separated mvn install command to construct the Dockerfile in the Jenkinsfile into its own stage that is not filtered by branch.

4.19.0 (2023-08-07)


  • Expanders project:
    • Updated optionTypes.xml file to new data resource format.
    • Disable concurrent builds in Jenkinsfile.
  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.14-2.20.0 to 8.0.15-2.21.1.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated Keycloak base version to 22.0.1.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.30.0 -> 5.30.5
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.14.1 -> 2023.14.4
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.4.6 -> 2023.5.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expansion-validation-maven-plugin: 2023.0.0 -> 2023.1.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:nsx-versions-maven-plugin: 2023.1.1 -> 2023.1.2


  • Expanders project:
    • Removed _data.xml file.

4.18.0 (2023-07-13)


  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.14-2.17.0 to 8.0.14-2.20.0.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated Keycloak base version to 22.0.0.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.28.1 -> 5.30.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.12.0 -> 2023.14.1
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 3.0.0 > 3.0.1
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:nsx-versions-maven-plugin: 2023.1.0 -> 2023.1.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.5.2 -> 2023.5.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.5.2 -> 2023.5.3


  • Application project:
    • Removed the HSQLDB+OPENJPA BusinessLogicSettings.

4.17.0 (2023-07-04)


  • Application project:
    • Removed deprecated options includeDelegation and includePerform from example model.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.26.0 -> 5.28.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.10.1 -> 2023.12.0
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 2.8.0 > 3.0.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.4.5 -> 2023.4.6
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expansion-validation-maven-plugin: 2022.1.0 -> 2023.0.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.4.1 -> 2023.5.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.4.1 -> 2023.5.2

4.16.0 (2023-06-24)


  • Metamodel project:
    • The test-example.nss script no longer expands if the examples flag is not set.
  • Application project:
    • Fixed release.nss script looking for changelog file in wrong folder.


  • Application project:
    • Added release instructions to


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.26.0 -> 5.26.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.9.0 -> 2023.10.1
    • net.democritus:prime-data: 2023.1.1 -> 2023.1.2

4.15.0 (2023-06-20)


  • Application project:
    • Added set_version.nss script to update the version of the entire project in all relevant locations.
    • Added nsx-versions-maven-plugin to pom.xml.
    • Added release.nss script to create a release of the project.
    • Added pom.xml.versionsBackup to .gitignore.


  • Application project:
    • Merged pom-expansion.xml file into pom.xml.
    • Renamed set_env.nss script to _set_env.nss.
    • Renamed setup_docker.nss script to _setup_docker.nss.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.24.2 -> 5.26.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.4.1 -> 2023.4.5
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.4.0 -> 2023.4.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.4.0 -> 2023.4.1

4.14.3 (2023-06-14)


  • Installer was packaged in the wrong chocolatey package.

4.14.2 (2023-06-14)


  • Ns-initializer no longer packaged in main chocolatey package, only in install package.

4.14.1 (2023-06-13)


  • (INIT-27) Windows installer would duplicate the path to the initializer in the PATH variable when installing over an existing installation. It will also remove all duplicates when (un)installing now.

4.14.0 (2023-06-01)


  • Application project:
    • Moved maven-compiler-plugin version in extra libraries pom file for Docker image to properties.
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.14-2.16.1 to 8.0.14-2.17.0.
    • Changed applicationServer to TOMEE in BusinessLogicSettings.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.23.2 -> 5.24.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.8.2 -> 2023.9.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-parent: 2022.1.0 -> 2023.0.1
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.3.1 -> 2023.4.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.3.4 -> 2023.4.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.3.4 -> 2023.4.0
    • net.democritus:prime-data: 2023.1.0 -> 2023.1.1

4.13.0 (2023-05-26)


  • Application project:
    • JEE 8 is now targeted instead of JEE 7.
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.14-2.16.0 to 8.0.14-2.16.1.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.22.5 -> 5.23.2
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.6.4 -> 2023.8.2
    • net.democritus:prime-data: 2023.0.4 -> 2023.1.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.1.1 -> 2023.3.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.2.3 -> 2023.3.4
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.2.3 -> 2023.3.4

4.12.1 (2023-05-08)


  • A change in a dependency caused integration with micro-radiant to break.

4.12.0 (2023-05-05)


  • Application project:
    • The nss scripts that build the Docker image, now also pull the base images.
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.13-2.15.3 to 8.0.14-2.16.0.
  • Keycloak project:
    • Updated Keycloak base version to 21.1.1.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.19.5 -> 5.22.5
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2023.1.0 -> 2023.1.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.1.0 -> 2023.2.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.12.4 -> 2023.0.4
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.2.0 -> 2023.2.3
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.6.1 -> 2023.6.4
    • org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin: 3.3.0 -> 3.5.0
    • org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: 0.8.8 -> 0.8.10

4.11.0 (2023-04-14)


  • Application project:
    • Changed project name in Docker Compose .env to lowercase, as the format for the name is not enforced where it was previously automatically normalized.
  • Keycloak project:
    • styles.css file was generated as style.css.
    • Regular expression for version in release.nss was not escaped correctly.
    • .flattened-pom.xml and *.xml.versionsBackup were missing from .gitignore.


  • Expanders project:
    • Added prime-test-support dependency in pom.xml.


  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.13-2.13.0 to 8.0.14-2.15.3.

4.10.0 (2023-03-21)


  • Expanders project:
    • Added stub _data.xml file to register data resources.
    • Added stub optionTypes.xml file to add OptionType data resources.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.17.1 -> 5.19.5
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.1.1 -> 2023.3.5
    • net.democritus:prime-data: 2023.0.1 -> 2023.0.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2023.0.3 -> 2023.1.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 2023.0.3 -> 2023.1.0
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 2.7.0 -> 2.8.0


  • Metamodel project:
    • Inclusion of ontologies in expansion resource.

4.9.1 (2023-02-15)


  • Expanders project:
    • The prime-data dependency was not added correctly to the pom file.

4.9.0 (2023-02-13)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2022.5.2 -> 2023.1.0
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.16.3 -> 5.17.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2023.0.3 -> 2023.1.1
    • net.democritus:prime-data: 2022.4.1 -> 2023.0.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.11.0 -> 2023.0.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 1.0.7 -> 2023.0.3
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 2.7.0 -> 2.8.0

4.8.1 (2023-01-30)


  • Options for application project were not added to the model correctly.

4.8.0 (2023-01-26)


  • Git initialization did not correctly replace an existing git repo in an existing directory.


  • Application project:
    • Add default DataAccess record to give the user profile access to the changePassword command.
    • Git Flow toggle in interactive mode.
  • Expanders project:
    • Added prime-core dependency.
    • Added prime-data dependency.
  • New keycloak project to generate a custom Keycloak docker image with a custom login theme as a keycloak provider module.


  • Application project:
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.13-2.12.0 to 8.0.13-2.13.0.
    • Improved example with additional DataElement and a workflow.
  • Expanders project:
    • Expanders dependency is no longer set to provided.
  • Expansion settings generated to run initialization now only contains the expansion resource that defines the required ProjectType.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.15.2 -> 5.16.3
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.15.2 -> 2023.0.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.12.3 -> 4.12.4
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.10.9 -> 2022.11.0


  • Application project:
    • Removed IdCounter from initial data.

4.7.0 (2022-12-09)


  • Application project:
    • Use new Docker Compose plugin for Docker, rather than old docker-compose script, pending Docker API support in NSScript.


  • Application project:
    • Support to set up project with Git Flow workflow. (Default)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2022.4.3 -> 2022.5.2
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.14.3 -> 5.15.2
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.14.2 -> 2022.15.2
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.12.2 -> 4.12.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.10.5 -> 2022.10.9
  • Application project:
    • Switched to fixed postgres major version (15) in docker-compose scripts.
    • Global definition of MVN_VERSION in environment for Jenkinsfile.
    • Updated nsx-tomee-base docker base image from version 8.0.12-2.7.0 to 8.0.13-2.12.0.

4.6.0 (2022-11-05)


  • Application project:
    • Added default option


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2022.3.0 -> 2022.4.3
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.14.0 -> 5.14.3
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.12.4 -> 2022.14.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.9.5 -> 4.12.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 1.0.5 -> 1.0.7
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.8.2 -> 2022.10.5


  • Application project:
    • Removed default option hibernate.version, which now default to version 5.

4.5.0 (2022-09-26)


  • Metamodel project:
    • Fixed ProgramTypes harvest file ending up in wrong location.
    • Fixed ProgramElement being generated with a broken reference.
    • Changed root ElementGroup to contain .model, which matches the groupId.


  • Metamodel project:
    • Added example flag to create a model example and expander.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.13.2 -> 5.14.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.12.1 -> 2022.12.4
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.9.0 -> 4.9.5
    • net.democritus.metamodel:meta-core: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.5
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.6.1 -> 2022.8.2

4.4.0 (2022-09-13)


  • Metamodel project:
    • Removed dependency on a SNAPSHOT version.


  • Metamodel project:
    • Added options meta.packaging.useClassPathDependencies, meta.module.distribution and meta.module.expanders to ApplicationInstance.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.12.1 -> 2022.12.2

4.3.1 (2022-09-08)


  • Application project:
    • Use correct docker image tag for base image.

4.3.0 (2022-09-08)


  • Application project:
    • Now using fixed tomee base docker image version.
  • Metamodel project:
    • Create ExpansionMetamodel and Ontology from the new meta-metamodel.
    • Added script templates to support these new Metamodel representations.
    • Replaced elements flag with extend flag and extendedOntology attribute.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.13.0 -> 5.13.2
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2022.1.6 -> 2022.2.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.8.0 -> 4.9.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.11.0 -> 2022.12.1


  • Application project:
    • Fixed program variant not being set in expansionSettings.xml.

4.2.0 (2022-08-30)


  • Application project:
    • Added ENABLE_DEBUG environment variable and exposing of port 4041 to docker-compose.local.yml file for local development.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.12.1 -> 5.13.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.10.2 -> 2022.11.0
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0

4.1.0 (2022-08-11)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.10.0 -> 5.12.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.9.0 -> 2022.10.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.7.5 -> 4.8.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.5.6 -> 2022.6.1

4.0.1 (2022-08-06)


  • (INIT-19) Flags for arguments with a default value of true did not process correctly.
  • Application project:
    • POM file to download extra libraries with Docker did not point to the correct path.

4.0.0 (2022-08-04)


The NS Initializer command-line interface now requires Java 17 to run!


  • Dependency updates for Maven plugins were not correctly propagated into initialized projects.
  • Moved defaultExpansionSettings.xml file export to unique temporary location to avoid race conditions.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.9.8 -> 5.10.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.8.4 -> 2022.9.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-parent: 2022.0.0 -> 2022.1.0
  • Application project:
    • Projects default to Java 17.
    • Replace builder stage in Dockerfile with to prepare all additions to the catalina base.
    • Generating scripts is now enabled by default.
  • Changed Chocolatey oraclejdk dependency to temurin (Eclipse Foundation OpenJDK release) to have access to frequent updates.
  • The initializer itself is now built to target Java 17, and as such requires Java 17 to run.


  • Application project:
    • The docker/lib/ script was removed, as it is not integrated in the builder stage to reduce complexity.

3.24.0 (2022-07-26)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.9.3 -> 5.9.8
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.7.3 -> 4.7.5
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.7.1 -> 2022.8.4
  • Application project:
    • Use default stack network in docker-compose setup.
    • Use local Docker image only in local docker-compose file.
  • Metamodel project:
    • Removed reference to settings directory.
  • Updated expansion resource resolver to expansion-resource-resolvers library for more efficient resolving.


  • Application project:
    • Removed deprecated docker:update-ear script from package.json.

3.23.0 (2022-06-07)


  • Application project:
    • Updated call to modelValidations() in Jenkinsfile to now specify the expansion POM file, for faster validation though the Maven plugin.
    • Added Sonar gate to Jenkinsfile when Sonarqube is enabled.
  • Expanders project:
    • Added Sonar gate to Jenkinsfile when Sonarqube is enabled.

3.22.1 (2022-06-07)


  • Application project:
    • SonarQube integration used default language level 6 instead of 11.
  • Expanders project:
    • SonarQube integration used default language level 6 instead of 8.

3.22.0 (2022-05-31)


  • Application project:
    • Added dependency analysis to report to Dependency Track.
  • Expanders project:
    • Added dependency analysis to report to Dependency Track.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.9.0 -> 5.9.3
    • net.democritus:nsx-parent: 2020.9.1 -> 2022.0.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2022.1.5 -> 2022.1.6
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expansion-validation-maven-plugin: 2022.0.0 -> 2022.1.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.5.3 -> 2022.5.6
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.6.1 -> 2022.7.1

3.21.0 (2022-05-20)


  • Application project:
    • Obtaining extra jar libraries for the application server was no longer implemented correctly. Now integrated into Dockerfile as additional pre-build stage.


  • Added commit hash to version string output by -V/--version.

3.20.1 (2022-05-19)


  • Project name in packaging was set incorrectly.

3.20.0 (2022-05-17)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.8.1 -> 5.9.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2022.1.3 -> 2022.1.5
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expansion-validation-maven-plugin: 2021.1.0 -> 2022.0.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.4.1 -> 2022.5.3
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.5.1 -> 2022.6.1
    • org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: 0.8.7 -> 0.8.8
  • Split Chocolatey packages into ns-initializer.install and ns-initializer, the latter of which provides external dependencies.
  • Switched dependency from openjdk8 to oraclejdk in main Chocolatey package.
  • Dropped minimum version on maven dependency in main Chocolatey package.

3.19.0 (2022-05-13)


  • Added EULA for distribution artifacts.
  • Chocolatey packaging.


  • Application project:
    • Use new nsxDocker.buildAndDeploy() function to simplify Jenkinsfile.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2022.0.1 -> 2022.1.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.5.0 -> 4.6.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.3.0 -> 2022.4.1


  • Application project:
    • Removed some deprecated default data for sql-expanders.
    • Removed some deprecated fields in model (due to prime-core update).

3.18.0 (2022-04-22)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 2.4.1 -> 2.5.0
  • Application project:
    • Added cruds.table.pageSize ApplicationInstanceOption as default option.

3.17.1 (2022-04-21)


  • Application project:
    • Reverted to start_docker.nss copying ear/sql scripts.

3.17.0 (2022-04-21)


  • Application project:
    • Updated technical infrastructure settings to default to Java 11.
    • Compile for Java 11 by default.
  • Added JDK17 as allowed Debian dependency.
  • Added JDK11/JDK17 as recommended Debian dependency.

3.16.0 (2022-04-19)


  • Application project:
    • Name of the Docker image is now automatically converted to lowercase as capital letters are not allowed by Docker.
    • Replaced application name with application instance name in various places.


  • Application project:
    • Removed default ApplicationInstance option
    • Shell scripts now only expand when the AWS flag is set.
    • Updated docker setup for nsx-tomee-base version 2.0.0 and up.
    • Build applications on Jenkins with Java 11 by default.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.8.0 -> 5.8.1
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2021.7.0 -> 2022.0.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.3.2 -> 4.5.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.1.3 -> 2022.3.0
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.4.0 -> 2022.5.1
    • net.democritus:sql-expanders: 2.4.0 -> 2.4.1

3.15.0 (2022-04-03)


  • Application project:
    • start_docker.nss script no longer copies ear/sql scripts.


  • All initializers that generate Jenkinsfile now include an option to only keep the last 50 builds.
  • A recommendation dependency for the ns-scripting package in the Debian package.
  • Signing of installer.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.3.2 -> 2022.4.0
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.7.5 -> 5.8.0

3.14.0 (2022-03-21)


  • Metamodel project:
    • (INIT-26) Changed default directory for program type model/source to sourceRoot/model.
    • (INIT-25) Added getProgramWriter() to ProgramFactory.


  • Application project:
    • Additional scripts to prepare, start and stop docker.
    • package.json file with scripts to deploy/undeploy application from micro-radiant.
    • Added (experimental) NSScript scripts to replace the bash scripts when using the --scripts option.
    • Added docker/app-conf folder to add configuration files to the Docker image which have to be available on the classpath.
  • (INIT-23) Packaging as Debian package.
  • (INIT-23) Packaging as Windows installer.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.2.3 -> 2022.3.2
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.6.0 -> 5.7.5
  • expansionSettings.xml to override available initializers is not loaded from $USERDIR/.nsinit/expansionSettings.xml with existing locations as a fallback.
  • (INIT-24) The temporary folder for initialization settings has been moved from $NSINIT_PATH/target/export to a randomly generated temporary folder.
  • (INIT-24) The dependencies cache for the initializer has been moved from $NSINIT_PATH/target to $USERDIR/.nsinit/cache.
  • The updater is now disabled if there is a .external_update file next to the initializer jar.
  • Application project:
    • The script to setup up additional jar dependencies in the Docker image is now executed when the Dockerfile is being built.


  • Application project:
    • The docker/lib folder was removed.

3.13.0 (2022-02-17)


  • Application project:
    • (INIT-20) Copying sql files from sql-expanders to Docker image was missing in Jenkinsfile.
    • (INIT-21) Copying ear file to Docker image was missing in Jenkinsfile.
  • Metamodel project:
    • ProgramTypeFactory class was not generated when program types are used.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2022.1.2 -> 2022.2.3
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.5.1 -> 5.6.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.3.0 -> 4.3.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2022.1.0 -> 2022.1.3
  • Metamodel project:
    • Updated descriptions of project flags.

3.12.0 (2022-01-21)


  • Hidden --print-path parameter to print the path to the initializer in the console.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.13.6 -> 2022.1.2
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.4.3 -> 5.5.1
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.2.0 -> 4.3.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2021.10.1 -> 2022.1.0
  • Application project:
    • Removed --experimental option.
    • Replaced legacy expansion settings file with program type based expansion settings.

3.11.0 (2022-01-06)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.13.1 -> 2021.13.6
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.4.0 -> 5.4.3
    • net.democritus.metamodel:metamodel-expansion-stack: 4.1.10 -> 4.2.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2021.9.0 -> 2021.10.1

3.10.0 (2021-12-10)


  • Application project:
    • The DataElement generated by --examples did not contain any finders.
  • Implicit arguments and flags were mistakenly added to the CLI interface.


  • (INIT-2) Metamodel project initializer.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.11.4 -> 2021.13.1
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.3.3 -> 5.4.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2021.8.1 -> 2021.9.0
    • org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.7
  • Application project:
    • The user is now prompted to generate the demo/development scripts that are generated when using the --scripts CLI option.

3.9.0 (2021-12-02)


  • Application project:
    • Jenkinsfile should only call modelValidations() to perform model validation.
    • script for Docker container no longer injects variables into tomee.xml, as these should be picked up automatically by TomEE.
  • Expanders project:
    • Disable execution of SonarQube on deploy step in Jenkinsfile.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.10.5 -> 2021.11.4
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.2.8 -> 5.3.3
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2021.5.13 -> 2021.7.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2021.5.12 -> 2021.8.1

3.8.0 (2021-11-15)


  • Application project:
    • Added --examples flag to generate some example elements/data in the project.
  • Examples project:
    • Added --examples flag to generate some example expanders in the project.

3.7.0 (2021-11-08)


  • Application project:
    • pom.xml in the project root to manage the project version.
    • dockerImage argument to specify the name for the docker image.


  • Application project:
    • Added .env file for docker-compose to set the stack name.
    • Simplified docker-compose setup.
    • For local deployment with docker-compose also expose port 5432 as port 54321 on the host.
    • In rejuvenate script, build on 1.5C threads by default.
    • Added redirect from root url to application url in Dockerfile.
    • Added building and pushing of docker images to the Jenkinsfile.
    • Store test results in Jenkins pipeline.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.10.3 -> 2021.10.5
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.2.5 -> 5.2.8
  • Zip file packaging now contains all files in the root, instead of a versioned subfolder.
  • Spec builders for ProjectArgument and ProjectFlag can now take the value as part of the argument, formatted as typeName: value.

3.6.0 (2021-10-26)


  • PowerShell script nsinit.ps1 did not find the script root correctly.
  • Bash script nsinit now find the script root correctly on Mac.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.9.5 -> 2021.10.3
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.2.0 -> 5.2.5

3.5.1 (2021-10-18)


  • Initializer project:
    • prime-core version was not injected correctly into POM file.

3.5.0 (2021-10-05)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.9.2 -> 2021.9.5
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.1.3 -> 5.2.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2021.5.10 -> 2021.5.13
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2021.5.5 -> 2021.5.12
  • Artifact identifier changed for 2 artifacts (see changelog meta-model-stack 4.1.2):
    • net.democritus.initializer.model:ns-initializer-model-core -> net.democritus.initializer.model:ns-initializer-core
    • net.democritus.initializer.model:ns-initializer-model-test-support -> net.democritus.initializer.model:ns-initializer-test-support
  • Application project:
    • Reverted expansion of expansionSettings with program types. This is now available with the --experimental option and by default ApplicationExpansionSettings is generated for legacy support (PR).

3.4.1 (2021-10-02)


  • Application project:
    • 8080 http port for local deployment with Docker was exposed on the wrong container.

3.4.0 (2021-09-29)


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.9.1 -> 2021.9.2
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.1.1 -> 5.1.3
  • Application project:
    • Updated expansionSettings.xml generator to use ExpansionSettings element with JeeApplication program type instead of legacy ApplicationExpansionSettings.
    • Moved settings model folder from applications/<application.shortName>/settings to settings.

3.3.3 (2021-09-28)


  • Moved version notification to pre-exit phase.

3.3.2 (2021-09-27)


  • Deadlock in version checker prevented updated from going through consistently.

3.3.1 (2021-09-27)


  • Resolved some performance issues of the updater triggered with --update.

3.3.0 (2021-09-27)


  • Replaced TextIO library with JLine3.
  • Version check runs concurrently in the background, so it does not slow down the initializer at shutdown.
  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.9.0 -> 2021.9.1
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 5.1.0 -> 5.1.1

3.2.0 (2021-09-24)


  • PowerShell nsinit script.


  • Updated dependencies across all initializers:
    • net.democritus:nsx-default-stack: 2021.8.0 -> 2021.9.0
    • net.democritus:Expanders: 4.19.4 -> 5.1.0
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin: 2021.5.4 -> 2021.5.10
    • net.democritus.maven.plugins:expansion-validation-maven-plugin: 2021.0.0 -> 2021.1.0
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core: 2021.5.2 -> 2021.5.5
  • Improved structure of generated POM files.
  • Application project:
    • Moved port expose for local deployment from docker-compose.yml file into docker-compose.local.yml extension file.
    • Updated script to use new docker-compose.local.yml extension file for local Docker deployment.
  • Expanders project:
    • Added Jacoco and JUnit post-processing in Jenkinsfile.

3.1.1 (2021-09-22)


  • Application project:
    • Corrected docker image name in AWS Terraform script.

3.1.0 (2021-09-20)


  • Switched from log4j2 logger for slf4j to simple logging, to prevent charset warnings on cli.


  • Overhauled updating process of initializer.

3.0.1 (2021-09-20)


  • Default expansionSettings.xml for initializer resources used fixed 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT version.
  • The flag terraform in the application project type was not set to true if the aws flag was true.

3.0.0 (2021-09-17)


  • (INIT-14) Create subfolders in docker when --no-git is defined.
  • (INIT-15) Batch script no longer terminates unexpectedly on CMD.


  • (INIT-17) Meta-model to describe project types.
  • (INIT-16) --export argument on every project type, to export the initialization expansion files to the specified location.
  • (INIT-16) -D argument on every project type, to set arguments and flags by name. This also allows setting implicit arguments which are not defined in the CLI.
  • The initializer will extract the nsinit scripts automatically when the root command is called if they were already found to be present in the same folder as the jar file, so they stay up-to-date.
  • --update-scripts flag on the root command to instruct the initializer to extract the nsinit scripts to the jar file location even if they were not previously present.
  • --no-update-scripts flag on the root command to prevent automatic extraction of nsinit scripts to the jar file location.
  • Initializer project type for new intializer projects.


  • (INIT-16) The initializer projects are now defined in expansion resources, with the description of the input arguments as a model in the data resources.
  • The nsinit shell script will no longer terminate if the version check failed, but rather write an error message in console.
  • All flags for projects now have both a regular and --no variant of the flag, to explicitly define the desired value. The default value is shown in --help.
  • --groupid now has the alias --group-id for all projects.
  • Initializer artifact groupId changed to net.democritus.initializer.


  • -V and --version flags on project types were removed. The flag is now only available on the root command. (nsinit -V)
  • Application project:
    • The admin account password is no longer written to the console, to avoid unintentional logging. It is now only stored in the .credentials file.

2.9.0 (2021-08-31)


  • Application project:
    • (INIT-5) New parameter --aws generates an AWS deployment project with Terraform for the application.
    • New script, which runs harvest, clean expand and build.
    • New script, which runs harvest, clean expand, build and Docker build.
    • (INIT-5) New script, which runs harvest, clean expand, build, Docker build and full-scale deployment to AWS.
    • .credentials file in JSON format which contains the generated application password for the admin account.


  • Application project:
    • The generated script has been renamed to
    • Added new .credentials file to the .gitignore file.

2.8.2 (2021-08-16)


  • Use directory tag instead of expansionDirectory and harvestDirectory in expansionSettings.

2.8.1 (2021-07-24)


  • Copy folders instead of files in Dockerfile to avoid errors on empty folders.

2.8.0 (2021-07-22)


  • nsinit shell script did not work correctly when called through a symbolic link.


  • Application project:
    • Updated net.democritus:sql-expanders to 2.4.0.
  • Expanders project:
    • Updated net.democritus:Expanders to 4.19.4.

2.7.0 (2021-07-16)


  • Application project:
    • Name of docker image for application in docker-compose file.


  • Application project:
    • Uses new ConfigurableAuthorization task implementations for account authorization by default to deny all rights out of the box.
    • Assigns all rights on all elements to admin profile in DataAccess.
    • Assigns all rights on elements in the main component to user profile in DataAccess.


  • Application project:
    • Updated net.democritus:nsx-default-stack to 2021.8.0.
    • Updated net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin to 2021.4.1.
  • Expanders project:
    • Updated net.democritus:Expanders to 4.19.1.
    • Updated net.democritus.maven.plugins:expanders-maven-plugin to 2021.4.1.

2.6.0 (2021-07-12)


  • Application project:
    • Updated SonarQube integration because the jacoco mojo moved to a different Maven plugin.


  • Application project:
    • Moved expanders Maven plugin version to property in POM file.

2.5.2 (2021-06-25)


  • Application project:
    • Convert line-endings in Dockerfile to LF if needed.

2.5.1 (2021-06-25)


  • Application project:
    • Bug in expander template for docker setup script.

2.5.0 (2021-06-25)


  • Application project:
    • (INIT-3) Added docker setup.
    • (INIT-8) Added support for Flyway in docker setup.
    • (INIT-3) --no-docker option to disable docker integration.
    • (INIT-9) --scripts option to generate scripts for utility scripts for local development and demos.


  • Application project:
    • Updated net.democritus:sql-expanders to 2.3.0.

2.4.0 (2021-06-22)


  • Application project:
    • (INIT-1) Added model-validation to Jenkinsfile + empty config file for exclusions.
    • (INIT-1) Added --no-model-validation option to exclude model validation from generation.
  • Expanders project:
    • --artifactid option to specify the artifactId for the Maven project.


  • Improved bash/batch scripts to report error on update.
  • Expanders project:
    • Default artifactId will now get -expanders appended if it is not already present.

2.3.0 (2021-06-21)


  • Application project:
    • Added sql-expanders dependency.
    • Added initial data for sql-expanders + randomized admin password generation.

2.2.2 (2021-06-18)


  • Bug in version checker that affected release versions.

2.2.1 (2021-06-18)


  • Auto update only runs when an application is being generated, so you can still use -V or --check-version on the nsinit scripts without triggering the update.

2.2.0 (2021-06-18)


  • Added version check with --check-version parameter, which returns the latest version if one is found.
  • Added automatic updating for the initializer tool to nsinit scripts.

2.1.2 (2021-06-17)


  • Corrected casing for expanders used to generate app project.

2.1.1 (2021-06-17)


  • Expanders project:
    • POM file was expanded to pom-expansion.xml instead of pom.xml.

2.1.0 (2021-06-17)


  • Corrected casing for expanders used to generate expanders project.


  • Application project:
    • Updated net.democritus:nsx-default-stack to 2021.6.0.
    • Updated maven plugin to 2021.3.0.
  • Expanders project:
    • Updated net.democritus:Expanders to 4.17.0.
    • Updated maven plugin to 2021.3.0.

2.0.0 (2021-06-15)


  • Replaced templating engine with expander framework.


  • Added SonarQube integration.

1.5.1 (2021-06-14)


  • Expanders plugin groupId has changed.

1.5.0 (2021-06-14)


  • Some incorrect versions were inserted in pom files.


  • Application project:
    • Updated net.democritus:nsx-default-stack to 2021.4.3.
    • Updated maven plugin to 2021.2.0.
  • Expanders project:
    • Updated net.democritus:Expanders to 4.16.3.

1.4.0 (2021-05-26)


  • Application project:
    • ApplicationInstance shortName should equal that of the application.


  • Removed help command on commandline. Now replaced with -h or --help, which can be executed on every command.
  • Added -V or --version flag on root command to print the version of th initializer application.
  • By default the application now enters an interactive mode and requests all parameters that have not been specified on command-line.


  • -y or --yes-to-all option which disables interactive mode and accepts all default values if they were not specified on command-line.
  • Prompt if the output directory is not empty.
  • -f or --force option which forces the initializer to generate the requested project even if the output directory is not empty.
  • Application project:
    • Added application instance option hibernate.version: 5.
    • Added application instance option
    • "TomEE HSQL OpenJPA" business logic settings.
    • .gitignore is no longer generated when --no-git is present.
    • The default component name is no longer example, but rather the name of the application in camel-case + Comp.
  • Expanders project:
    • .gitignore is no longer generated when --no-git is present.

1.3.1 (2021-05-25)


  • Corrected zip packaging.
  • Corrected version number in application.

1.3.0 (2021-05-12)


  • Application project:
    • Mismatched casing in environment variables.


  • --no-git command-line argument to exclude the git initialization step.


  • New message for initial commit of git repository.
  • Application project:
    • Updated net.democritus:nsx-default-stack to 2021.3.4.
  • Expanders project:
    • Updated net.democritus:Expanders to 4.15.5.
    • Updated net.democritus:expanders-maven-plugin to 2021.1.1.


  • Application project:
    • Expand execution in pom-expansion.xml.
    • slackOnChangeOnly in Slack reporting in Jenkinsfile.
    • clean stage in Jenkinsfile.
    • hasDataBaseSchema option in the generated component.
  • Expanders project:
    • slackOnChangeOnly in Slack reporting in Jenkinsfile.

1.2.0 (2021-05-12)


  • Packaging jar with dependencies.

1.1.1 (2021-04-21)


  • Corrected changelog structure.

1.1.0 (2021-04-21)


  • Application projects are generated with the finders.enableTypedFinders option by default.