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1.15.20 (2024-07-24)


  • Added support for Sne finder operator which will be added in Expanders 7.6.0.

1.15.19 (2024-06-13)


  • Added fallback for DataRefConverter which is no longer available on metamodels v3.

1.15.18 (2024-05-31)


  • Updated model-transmutations in server to 3.6.2 to ensure compatibility with new validations format.
  • Update prime-core to 2024.3.8

1.15.17 (2024-05-16)


1.15.16 (2024-04-24)


  • Fixed abstract extensions not expanding a submit button.
  • Fixed abstract extensions not expanding a delete button.

1.15.15 (2024-04-23)


  • Added support for operations metamodel.


  • Fixed model writing issues when working with abstract extensions.

1.15.14 (2024-04-02)


  • Added ByDataCommand trigger form with filtering of eligible dataCommands.
  • Added filtering to TaskOutcome dropdown inside Transition form based on ExecuteTask.


  • Updated process-automation to 0.4.1.

1.15.13 (2024-03-26)


  • [MR-155] Add setuid bit for chrome-sandbox in Debian package, which is needed to execute correctly on Ubuntu 24.04.

1.15.12 (2024-03-18)


  • Fixed recovery state dropdown not filtering on current workflow.

1.15.11 (2024-01-17)


  • Updated prime-metamodel to 2024.0.4
  • Updated other metamodels to latest versions

1.15.10 (2024-01-08)


  • Fixed issue is DataElement graphs that caused the edit view to break in some circumstances.
  • If a graph breaks, the editor view now fails more gracefully by excluding the tab.
  • [MR-116] Fixed new ElemenClass option on ElementGroup
  • [MR-118][MR-125] Fixed some of the inconsistencies in context menu actions after dragging items or other changes

1.15.9 (2023-11-30)


  • Updated workflows-metamodel to v1.6.3
  • Updated process-automation-metamodel to v0.2.1
  • Added support for experimental enum-types-metamodel (v0.0.2)

1.15.8 (2023-11-22)


  • Fixed EndStates (workflows) referencing TaskOutcome not unset when deleted.
  • [MR-130][MR-138] Fixed pasting into the textbox for expansion resources when it is not a reference that includes a version number.

1.15.7 (2023-10-20)


  • No longer inline QueryFilterFields for QuerySearch metamodel.

1.15.6 (2023-10-06)


  • Fixed Option.documentationLink not opening when leading or tailing whitespace was present.
  • Fixed loading spinner not going away in some cases
  • [MR-114] When removing a field, the cleanup dialog will now also suggest removing linked FlowElements
  • Fixed close button color in dark theme

Also improved the stability of the Micro-Radiant in case of errors during model loading:

  • Fixed an issue where a failure to read to the expansionSettings would be cached, resulting in errors about unknown expansion-resources.
  • Fixed an issue where the recovery attempt to read the expansionSettings would fail because of a missing ProgramType.
  • Fixed an issue where an error in the model loading would cause an infinite stream of errors.


  • Options dropdown now doesn't contain outdated options anymore.
  • Changed red color of error fields to be more legible.

1.15.5 (2023-09-25)


  • Added documentation link to options list if defined on the OptionType.
  • Added model support for the processAutomation component.
  • Added model support for angularProjects ontology.

1.15.4 (2023-09-15)


  • OptionTypes marked as hidden or redundant are no longer added to the options list for elements.

1.15.3 (2023-09-14)


  • Fixed scrollbar in master-detail view.
  • Made loading status spinner more consistent.
  • Fixed error messages not being shown in custom code view.


  • Updated prime-metamodel to 2023.6.1

1.15.2 (2023-08-16)


  • Fixed missing import in UI expansion when model superclass is from a different component.


  • Updated workflows metamodel to version 1.5.0.

1.15.1 (2023-07-14)


  • Support for configuring TaskOutcome in workflow metamodels.


  • Theme for workflow layout aligned with plantUML theme.
  • Updated workflows metamodel to version 1.4.0

1.15.0 (2023-07-10)


  • Modified ValueField type dropdown, so it also allows custom ValueFieldTypes, instead of having 2 dropdowns where only one was visible.
  • Fixed layout of panels in triple-pane view.


  • New feature to add folders as favorites in the folder selection dialog.

1.14.0 (2023-06-28)


Added hamburger menu to model-editor:

  • Toggle show imported modules (e.g. base-components)

  • Select an expansion (instead of it always picking the first one)

  • Added git branch name in the footer


  • Option autocomplete not updating dropdown list
  • Fixed issue in diagrams with missing dot executable


  • Changed data tab icon

1.13.3 (2023-06-21)


  • Display descriptions in option dropdown list


  • Fixed context menu falling off page


  • Workflow visualization now prioritizes the initial state


  • Updated workflows metamodel to 1.3.0.

1.13.2 (2023-06-14)


  • Updated initializer dependency to 4.14.3.

1.13.1 (2023-06-14)


  • Electron client was not installed by the Chocolatey package anymore.
  • Micro-radiant no longer packaged in main chocolatey package, only in install package.

1.13.0 (2023-06-13)


  • Removed fixed Chocolatey dependency version for ns-initializer.


  • The Windows installer now allows you to select what components of micro-radiant you wish to install. You can optionally exclude the included JDK download if you already have JDK 17 on your system to run it and you can exclude the desktop client to run only headless and use the browser.
  • Chocolatey package now prevents installation from downloading its own copy of JDK and instead relies on this being provided by the user or a package dependency.

1.12.0 (2023-05-17)


  • A hybrid workflow diagram, consolidating the two previous approaches.
  • Option to compact failed states in workflow diagram.
  • Highlight and auto-zoom in workflow diagram when selecting an element.


  • Removed ELK workflow diagram
  • Removed DOT workflow diagram


  • Updated querysearch metamodel to 2.14.0.
  • Updated workflows metamodel to 1.1.1.
  • Updated JDK downloaded by Windows installed to jdk-17.0.7+7.
  • Updated NS Initializer dependencies to 4.12.0.
  • Updated dependencies:
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind : 2.14.2 -> 2.15.0
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml : 2.14.2 -> 2.15.0
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations : 2.14.2 -> 2.15.0
    • io.javalin:javalin : 5.3.2 -> 5.5.0

1.11.1 (2023-04-21)


  • Option to hide failed states in elk diagram.


  • Modifying the functional key now causes the url to update.
  • Transitions will generate interim and failed states if not selected.
  • State references displayed by name instead of dataRef to improve readability.


  • Updated workflows-metamodel to 1.0.6.

1.11.0 (2023-04-14)


  • Added analysis view with custom code diagram. Only works after expansion.
  • Added support for pasting expansion-resource references


  • Fixed loading issue for unknown moduleTypes, ignores these instead.


  • Updated prime-core to 2023.2.1

1.10.3 (2023-04-07)


  • Added diagrams for visually editing the Workflow Metamodel.
  • Includes two versions using DOT and ELK layout engines.

1.10.2 (2023-04-06)


  • Fixed an issue breaking the context menu because of a rendering error with QuerysearchFields. (ElementType definition is missing.)

1.10.1 (2023-04-03)


  • Improved input field for aggregation references, such as SimpleValueField::nativeTypes and Application::components.
  • LinkField::oppositeField is now hidden until it is implemented in the Expanders.
  • ValueField form will now hide valueFieldType field unless it is explicitly selected in the model.

1.10.0 (2023-03-24)


  • Added placeholders to editorFields.
  • Dropdown option to empty a field, labeled with placeholder.


  • Updated JDK downloaded by Windows installed to jdk-17.0.6+10.
  • Updated workflows metamodel to 1.0.3.


  • Model not updating when dropdown field is emptied.

1.9.0 (2023-02-07)


  • Added support for workflows metamodel.


  • Updated dependencies:
    • com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin : 2.1.2 -> 2.3.2
    • com.esotericsoftware:kryo : 5.3.0 -> 5.4.0
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind : 2.14.1 -> 2.14.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml : 2.14.0 -> 2.14.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations : 2.14.0 -> 2.14.2
    • fr.inria.gforge.spoon:spoon-core : 10.2.0-beta-21 -> 10.3.0-beta-13
    • info.picocli:picocli : 4.6.3 -> 4.7.1
    • io.javalin:javalin : 5.2.0 -> 5.3.2
    • io.netty:netty-codec : 4.1.86.Final -> 4.1.87.Final
    • io.sentry:sentry : 6.7.0-alpha.1 -> 6.13.0
    • jaxen:jaxen : 1.2.0-atlassian-2 -> 2.0.0
    • net.democritus.initializer:ns-initializer : 4.8.0 -> 4.8.1
    • net.democritus:nsx-shared-common : 2022.2.0 -> 2022.5.2
    • net.democritus:nsx-shared-process-experimental : 2022.3.0 -> 2022.5.2
    • net.democritus.metamodel:prime-core : 2022.11.0 -> 2023.0.2
    • org.apache.maven.plugin-tools:maven-plugin-annotations : 3.6.4 -> 3.7.1
    • org.apache.maven.plugin-tools:maven-plugin-tools-api : 3.6.4 -> 3.7.1
    • org.dom4j:dom4j : 2.1.3 -> 2.1.4
    • org.junit:junit-bom : 5.7.2 -> 5.9.2
    • org.slf4j:slf4j-api : 2.0.3 -> 2.0.6
    • org.slf4j:slf4j-simple : 2.0.3 -> 2.0.6

1.8.8 (2023-01-31)


  • Added packages diagrams for Application and Component.
  • Added DataElement option to place a DataElement on top.
  • Added Field option mr.diagram.length, which can have an integer as value to make a link longer.
  • Added Field option mr.diagram.direction, which can have a value up, down, left or right.


  • Switched Docker dependency in Chocolatey back to Docker Desktop for setup convenience of end-user.

1.8.7 (2023-01-30)


  • Fixed integration with initializer version 4.8.0.

1.8.6 (2023-01-24)


  • An exception was thrown when running without headless mode and no electron wrapper was found. Now automatically switches to headless mode with warning. The wrapper is only packaged with specific platform distributions.

1.8.5 (2023-01-20)


  • Added transmute action to run transmutation for all elements in a tab. (Right-click root of tree view of background.)


  • Fixed error breaking navigation.
  • Added regex validations for Project names to prevent names that are not url-compliant (breaks navigation).
  • [MR-82] Now copying initializer jar at startup to prevent locking the jar.
  • [MR-109] Removed MR-provided options which was interfering more actual data.
  • Fixed issue with classpath when loading a project with a conflict in expansionSettings. (This is supposed to load only the expansionSettings tab instead of breaking).
  • Skipping ResolverDaemon startup if it is already running, to prevent MR not starting because of rogue processes.
  • Prevented validate task from stacking when flipping between views.
  • Now updating expansion page when aborted using the button in the footer.
  • [MR-98][MR-108] Added ping to task connections to keep connection alive.
  • Disabling open expansion if directory does not exist to prevent errors
  • Avoiding undefined error when default option is selected

1.8.4 (2023-01-12)


  • Fixed issues with adding Fields and creating new Elements after renaming.
  • [MR-107] Fixed missing package filters.
  • [MR-104] Fixed some awkward routing in the element detail pane when switching selections / creating new elements.
  • Fixed delete field showing empty cleanup dialog.
  • Fixed updating selection after creating a new Component.
  • Added a error message to the import Project form when a Project with the same name already exists. (Instead of throwing an error on submit.)


  • Added download link on diagram page (third icon on the right in model-editor) for plantuml diagrams
  • Improved dataElement diagram layout by taking into account taxonomy elements and other information.

1.8.3 (2023-01-05)


  • Fixed drag-and-drop in tree view
  • Fixed error handling when expansionSettings.xml is invalid
  • Fixed abort button on expansion page
  • Added validations for field-operator-pairs


  • Added rudimentary implementation for flags and parameters for customized panels
  • Added minimize button to panels on expansion page

1.8.2 (2022-12-09)


  • Tasks are now queued to prevent them from aborting other tasks
  • [MR-84] File Picker now opens a directory when creating a new directory
  • [MR-97] Fixed layout of checkboxes. The checkmark is now visible when focused and active.
  • [MR-99] Fixed diagrams not being updated with dark-light theme


  • Validations will now run less often: once at the start, after writing changes or when clicking reload
  • File Picker now allows you to type the location and will try to autocomplete
  • Improved Model Tree View:
    • The selection will be highlighted, even when selecting by clicking parts of a diagram
    • The tree will automatically uncollapse the parts of the tree around the selected element
    • The tree view will now also scroll to the selection on select or after reload


  • Added dependency for Docker Engine in Chocolatey packages.
  • Added dependency on nsx-tools-core for APT to provide all base dependencies and configuration.

1.8.1 (2022-11-17)


  • Fixed issue with the build button running the wrong mvn task
  • Fixed model-transmutations not updating on model reload

1.8.0 (2022-11-15)


  • Added support for model validations. Update expanders-maven-plugin to 2022.5.2+ to use them.
  • Added filter to exclude elements with the option deprecated
  • Added DataElements diagram to Application
  • Added progress bar for tasks, such as transmutations or expansion. Click the bar to go to the expansion page with the log.
  • Added borders to context menu and groups in context menu to improve readability
  • Added context menus to the dataElements diagram
  • Added context menu to diagram in 3-panel view and on tree view panel
  • Added Customize page to add panels and buttons to the expansion page


  • Visualize workflow branching task states with taskOption branchingTask.states instead of isBranchingTask
  • Removed workflow endState visualization when not defined (for branching tasks)
  • Added clean goal to expand/harvest with clean option. This


  • [MR-94] Prevent Fields without LinkField and ValueField
  • Fixed option types applicable to all elements not appearing in dropdown

1.7.4 (2022-10-10)


Updated libs to fix a NullPointerException in AlwaysEnabledOptionPlacer:

  • metamodel-stack 4.11.2 => 4.11.3
  • prime-core 2022.10.0 => 2022.10.1
  • Add nsx-metamodel-stack 1.0.7 for metamodel expansion

1.7.3 (2022-10-06)


  • [MR-89] Panes in model-editor are now resizable
  • [MR-87] Added copy action to copy existing parts of the model


  • Fixed a number of recurring background errors
  • [MR-90] Fixed default values for option types not being taken into account
  • [MR-88] Removed name of a selected element that was sticking around when creating another element
  • [MR-91] Fixed dropdown falling of the bottom of the page

1.7.2 (2022-09-30)


Added some improvements for ontology view:

  • Disable owner when creating a reference from ElementClass
  • Update tree view and diagram when adding references/elementClasses


  • Fixed bug causing initializer buttons to fail for directories with spaces

1.7.1 (2022-09-08)


  • Made red text more readable in dark mode
  • Fixed bug that caused expansion to fail since 1.7.0

1.7.0 (2022-09-07)


  • Added support for metamodels described in the meta-metamodel
  • Added context actions to run model-transmutations if available


  • Fixed the loading of models using a metamodel that is not built into the MicroRadiant yet

1.6.0 (2022-08-17)


  • Model-editor now has 3 views: (use the buttons on the right to toggle)
    • Master-Detail View (original): Tree view on the left + form on the right.
    • 3 Panel View: Same as before, but with a diagram of the Component/Application in the middle. Some of the elements can be clicked to open the corresponding form.
    • Diagram View: Full panel diagram. Click on the elements or breadcrumbs to navigate through the model.
  • The Model Tree panel now also has a filter panel. Open it by clicking on the button with 3 lines next to the search bar. Here you can toggle packages, which will update the Tree panel and some of the diagrams.
  • There is a new 'workflow' diagram, based on the DataFlowTasks


  • Explore button on expansion page did not function correctly on Linux.
  • Added missing Se (strict equals) finder operation to selector.
  • Perform explicit word splitting for arguments in script.
  • Updated shebang line in to use env to locate bash correctly if it isn't in the default location.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with the ns-initializer version 4.0.0+ by updating to java 17


  • No longer add initializer settings to new projects.
  • The micro-radiant itself now requires Java 17 to run.
  • The Windows installer now downloads a Java 17 runtime to run the micro-radiant.
  • Chocolatey packages with dependencies now depend on the Eclipse Temurin distribution of OpenJDK.
  • Added short commit hash to version command (--version/-V) to be consistent with the other tooling.

1.5.7 (2022-06-14)


  • Updated querysearch metamodel to 2.9.0
  • Updated ns-initializer metamodel to 3.23.0

1.5.6 (2022-06-13)


  • In the search function for references and option types, you can now use casing or spaces to match multiple parts of the name.
    • e.g. accAcc or acc acc will match both account::Account and account::DataAccess


  • Added several mechanisms to prevent version issues:

    • Projects with outdated expansion-resources will be given the option to upgrade
    • Projects with newer model versions will create a warning to suggest you to upgrade the micro-radiant
    • If an error occurs when resolving the expansionSettings, which is likely due to a prime-core conflict, the project will be loaded in a compatible mode. In this mode, only the settings tab is available and you will get a warning urging you to upgrade,
  • [MR-83] Fixed search for options not working with capital letters

  • Fixed 'update' button suggesting downgrades, especially for SNAPSHOT versions


  • StackTraces are now filtered to only show relevant information

1.5.5 (2022-05-23)


  • Fixed issue with loading option-types from expanders 5.9.2


  • Updated prime-core to 2022.5.6

1.5.4 (2022-05-19)


  • Project name in packaging was set incorrectly.

1.5.3 (2022-05-17)


  • Split Chocolatey packages into micro-radiant.install and micro-radiant, the latter of which provides external dependencies.
  • Switched dependency from openjdk8 to oraclejdk in main Chocolatey package.
  • Dropped minimum version on maven dependency in main Chocolatey package.

1.5.2 (2022-05-17)


  • Removed Application::releasePeriod

1.5.1 (2022-05-16)


  • Added warning if one of the expansion-resources needs to be updated to be in sync with the micro-radiant
  • Added EULA for distribution artifacts.
  • Chocolatey packaging.


  • Fixed component not exporting options
  • Fixed duplication of options on export
  • Fixed conflicts due to options field not existing on Composites in backend

1.5.0 (2022-05-12)


  • Added support for Option element
  • Added constraints on multiple option types
  • Added better representation for D3 dataElement neighbours diagrams
  • Added dataElements diagram to Component

1.4.5 (2022-04-27)


  • Files are now ordered alphabetically in file picker on Linux systems.
  • Fixed classloader issue when updating to the latest nsx-default-stack
  • [MR-72] Fixed drop-up being hidden by button
  • Fixed search in select not working with uppercase input

1.4.4 (2022-04-20)


  • Added spinner to page when loading the model
  • Improved presentation of error stacks, especially the improved stacktraces from prime-core 2022.3.0
  • Automatically suggest field name when setting targetElement of a linkField
  • [MR-81] Automatically select expansionSettings file after selecting a directory on the import project page (based on default location conf/expansionSettings.xml)


  • [MR-80] Fixed link to expansion-trace-expanders on expansion-trace page
  • [MR-76] Duplicates are no longer stored in file picker history
  • [MR-62] Fixed connectorField fieldType not being updated when switching between linkField and valueField
  • [MR-78] Fixed model already being reloaded while the cleanup dialog is being shown to the user to clean up additional elements
  • [MR-78] Fixed connectorFields linking to a DataElement not being deleted on cleanup after deleting that DataElement
  • [MR-77] Fixed several issues occurring when deleting a component


  • [MR-79] Removed update-deployable flag. Start scripts should update the ear by themselves from now on.
  • Removed button to create a local tomee deployment, since it was too confusing. To initialize deployment, initialize an application project with options scripts and docker

1.4.3 (2022-04-03)


  • Signing on release.

1.4.2 (2022-04-03)


  • Signing of installer.


  • UI alignment in dark mode.

1.4.1 (2022-03-24)


  • Cleaned up model diagrams page


  • [MR-71] Fix bug deselecting model after writes


  • Removed button to setup tomee local deployment

1.4.0 (2022-03-18)


File picker:

  • [MR-33] Added context menu action to create a new directory in the file-picker

Element editor:

  • [MR-39] Added autocompletion for packageNames based on packages used in other elements in the model
  • [MR-39] Added configurable 'ignored packages' to exclude from aforementioned autocompletion
  • [MR-34] Added validation feedback to fields

Windows installer:

  • [MR-40] Added executable launcher for Windows which also prevents the application from being started twice.
  • [MR-41] Added check to the Windows uninstaller which makes sure that the application is not running before uninstalling.
  • The installer now downloads a copy of JDK11 which is used to execute the application itself.
  • The installer now removes the old copy of the application before installing a new copy, to avoid any old files staying behind.
  • The uninstaller now checks whether the application is still running before uninstalling.

Debian package:

  • [MR-47] Added Debian package for use with Debian based Linux distributions.
  • [MR-51] Added deployment of Debian package to apt repository.


  • [MR-35] When adding a new option, the input element for the value of the option will be focused
  • [MR-29] Added prompt to enable error reporting on first time opening the application
  • [MR-58] Errors are now refreshed when switching windows and http errors are hidden to reduce clutter


  • [MR-32] Prevented select fields in nested tables in forms from being rendered as buttons toggles
  • [MR-53] Fixed delete on nested tables in forms
  • [MR-52] Fixed issue where the modal backdrop would not disappear after deleting an element
  • [MR-54][MR-55] Fixed issue where finders with the option isCustomFinder would be automatically renamed to findBy
  • Prevented search bar from getting focus when pressing a key in combination with ctrl, shift or alt
  • On Linux the settings directory was not always created correctly, causing a failure at startup.
  • On Unix, if the environment variable XDG_DATA_HOME is not defined, the default fallback directory was .local/shared/micro-radiant. This has been moved to .local/share/micro-radiant, to be consistent with the unix filesystem standards.
  • [MR-11] If one of the ports is not available, there is now a clear error message for headless mode, or a fallback to reconfigure the ports otherwise (when running it as an app).


  • [MR-57] Added file logger for application log
  • Changed use of /temp under installation folder with a temporary directory provided by the OS

1.3.0 (2022-02-28)


  • Packaged the micro radiant as Windows installer.


  • Replaced file-picker with in-app file-picker


  • Fix integration with nsInit, so that not having the ns-initializer installed will only lead to the buttons being disabled
  • Updated start.bat to be able to execute from any location.

1.2.0 (2022-02-16)


  • Elements in the model tree list can now be dragged to change the order
  • Add search field to selects if the number of options is large
  • The brand on the navigation now links to the home page
  • Added button to initialize a local tomee deployment to the expansion page


  • Updated script to match changes to start.bat.


  • Refactored integration with nsinit to be better resistant to changes in nsinit (requires nsinit 3.12.0+)

1.1.6 (2022-02-04)


  • Moved validation message to top of form and show it for both edit and create forms
  • When selecting valueField, linkField is disabled and vice versa.
  • (?) icons will now show tooltips when hovering instead of requiring a click


  • Fixed isCalculatedField checkbox for Field
  • Fixed advanced flags for initializer forms
  • Selecting an element can no longer cause it to close when selecting it if it was already open
  • Newly created elements are now opened by default


  • Improved responsiveness for model tree lists with large numbers of elements

1.1.5 (2022-02-03)


  • Fixed missing initializerSettings.xml


  • Changed default ports to 9050 and 9051

1.1.4 (2022-02-03)


  • Added integration with nsInit to bootstrap new application projects
  • [MR-20][MR-23] Added functionality to create, delete and rename components
  • Added Settings pages to configure user and server settings
  • You can now double-click the option types select to input a custom option type.
  • Added search field in model tree view. You can search names of elements or use option: <optionType> or type: <elementType>. Use not <query to invert the search query.
  • Added some validations to the form fields.
  • [MR-22] Added button to shut down expansion, harvest or build
  • Added component dependencies diagram, and dataElement neighbors, aggregation and tasks diagrams to model-editor


  • Configuration files will now be stored in %APPDATA%/micro-radiant on windows, $XDG_DATA_HOME/micro-radiant on linux or $HOME/.local/shared/micro-radiant if $XDG_DATA_HOME is not defined.
  • It is also possible to provide a directory by passing a property on startup: -DdataDirectory=<your data directory>


  • Fixed selection in tree view, which was also highlighting other elements that contained the name of the current selection (e.g. City => CityTaskStatus)
  • Fixed issue where changing something in linkField or valueField would not send updates
  • [MR-21] Fixed localRepository being stored incorrectly if mvn fails


  • Added maven daemon process, used to resolve artifacts, which should improve loading time for projects and time to look for updates.


  • Dropped support for safari

1.1.3 (2022-02-03)

  • re-released as 1.1.4

1.1.2 (2022-02-02)

  • re-released as 1.1.4

1.1.1 (2022-02-02)

  • re-released as 1.1.4

1.1.0 (2022-02-02)

  • re-released as 1.1.4

1.0.3 (2021-12-16)


  • After removing a DataElement, the user will be prompted to remove related fields, finders, taskElements etc.
  • Added history of previous expansion, harvest and build tasks
  • Added selected tab in model-editor to URL, so that after refreshing the page, the tab is still selected


  • Added validations to some elements:
    • checks if DataElement name and packageName are correct
    • Same for TaskElement, FlowElement, Component
    • checks for expansionResource name and version
  • Prevent creation if project with a name that collides with an already existing project


  • The delete/new <element> actions are now provided by a right-click menu
  • Changed page title to fit most browser tabs
  • Add coursier resolution for expansion-resources
  • Model-editor will now load project even if the programExpansion is missing. (Though the application tab will be missing)

1.0.2 (2021-12-02)

  • Fixed issue in build

1.0.1 (2021-12-02)

  • Added Sentry