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Data Commands

A DataCommand is a form of data-input for a given DataElement. Commands can have one or more ConnectorFields, which are similar to regular Fields.

When a Command is defined, a dedicated parameter object will be generated, together with a method stub in the DataElement's bean class that allows you to implement the command.

Commands have no return type, so they are only suited for inserting data.

<dataElement name="Starship">
<dataCommand name="startNewVoyage">
<!-- If hasTargetInstance is true, this command requires an instance as a target to run -->
<connectorField name="departure">
<valueFieldType component="" name="Date"/>
<connectorField name="destination">
<targetElement component="space" name="Planet"/>
<linkFieldType name="Ln01"/>

After expanding, the bean class will contain a method stub to implement the Command:
public CommandResult startNewVoyage(ParameterContext<StarshipCommand.StartNewVoyage> commandParameter) {
StarshipCommand.StartNewVoyage startNewVoyageCommand = commandParameter.getValue();
CommandResult commandResult = CommandResult.success(startNewVoyageCommand);

// anchor:custom-command-startNewVoyage-before:start
// anchor:custom-command-startNewVoyage-before:end

IParameterContextFactory parameterFactory = commandParameter.getFactory();
CrudsResult<StarshipDetails> targetResult = getDetailsFromDataRef(parameterFactory.construct(startNewVoyageCommand.getTarget()));
StarshipDetails starshipDetails = targetResult.getValue();

// anchor:custom-command-startNewVoyage:start
StarshipVoyageDetails voyage = new StarshipVoyageDetails();
CrudsResult<DataRef> result = StarshipVoyageLocalAgent.getStarshipVoyageAgent(commandParameter.getContext())
if (result.isError()) {
commandResult = CommandResult.error(startNewVoyageCommand, "Failed to create a new Voyage");
// anchor:custom-command-startNewVoyage:end

// anchor:custom-command-startNewVoyage-after:start
// anchor:custom-command-startNewVoyage-after:end

return commandResult;


view.buttons.commands DataElement

Adds a button for each command to the standard page (useful when prototyping).
