Defining the Expanders template
Testing the base content of an expander
By default, {Expander}
contains a test_base method:
public void test_base() {
This method will run the expander on the baseModel and compare the content with the template test_base in the {Expander}
Typically, expander tests have a baseModel()
method, where the model to test against is built.
This can be done by using the ModelSpecBuilder
, which creates Composites from onion-specifications.
To write the test, we can modify the template (test/java/org/normalizedsystems/sandcastle -> ExpanderTest.stg) to what the artifact should look like:
test_base() ::= <<
package net.palver.test;
// @expanderComment@
public void CityFoo {
The test will fail on a mismatch:
Expected: "package net.palver.test;
// @expanderComment@
public void CityFoo {
The implementation consists of 2 steps:
- The mapping file defines all variables to be used in the template
- The template then uses this data to create the content
For the test defined above the template can be defined as follows:
base() ::= <<
package <packageName>;
// @expanderComment@
public void <dataElement>Foo {
This requires the values packageName and dataElement, which can be defined in the mapping with ognl expressions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<mapping xmlns="">
<value name="dataElement" eval=""/>
<value name="packageName" eval="dataElement.packageName"/>
Now the expander will extract the values for both variables based on the eval expressions
Next: Learn more complex mappings in Expander Mapping