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52 posts tagged with "releases"

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ProcessAutomation 1.0.0

· 3 min read
Jorren Hendriks
Jorren Hendriks
R&D Engineer

In the past six months we've seen adoption of the process-automation component. Feedback has been great and people seem to be happy with the changes we made. We felt the current feature set came to a point where it warrants a first stable release. This of course does not mean development will stop here, as there are many features we still plan to add.


process-automation-component 1.0.0

Feature set summary

The list below should give you a good idea of the features we currently support through process-automation:

  • Fully supports the workflow model.
    • Integrates all defined transitions, including branching transitions.
    • Respects configuration on TaskElements, such as transactionType and TaskOutcomes.
    • Supports configuring WorkflowImplementation through defining QueuedProcessors.
  • Multi-node or multi-instance configurations are supported.
    • Internal state-machine to perform leader-election in the presence of multiple nodes.
    • Ensures smooth execution of transitions, with no conflicting state.
    • Improved scalability by providing extensible queue configurations.
  • Event-based execution model, backed by a queue.
    • CRUD triggers: transition an element on create or modify.
    • Transition trigger: immediately queue the next transition after another completes.
    • DataCommand trigger: transition an element when a command is performed.
    • Schedule trigger: Cron-like configuration for time-based transitions.
    • FlowEngine trigger: behaves similar to the classic Flow implementation.
  • Modular design, ships with standard configurations and can be extended easily.
    • Provided queue implementations: ApplicationPersistence (DB) and InMemory.
    • Provided processing implementations: Asynchronous and ExecutorService.

There is no full feature-parity with the Workflow component yet, so consider this when planning to migrate. Reaching this point however is a goal of the following release, as the primary omission is support for TimeWindow/TimeWindowGroup.

Migration guide available in full post... (Read more)

Angular Expanders 4.4.0

· One min read
Jan Hardy
Jan Hardy
R&D Engineer

Migration guide


Using the option angular.hasCustomBranding we can toggle the default nsx branding off and have custom anchors instead.


Some of the anchor names have been changed:

  • index.html: favicon -> branding-favicon
  • _default-theme.scss: colors -> branding-colors
  • _default-theme.scss: typography -> branding-typography
  • _default-theme.scss: density -> branding-density
  • layout.html: sidebar-branding -> branding-sidebar


Option angular.hasCustomHeaderContent can be used to turn off the default expanded behaviour of the top bar. With the option angular.hasCustomTableRowActions on a DataView you can have custom anchors instead of the default actions in a table.


Some of the anchor names have been changed:

  • layout.html: header-content -> customization-header-content

Ngx-ns-core update

The size of the runtime library was getting to big for the application's initial load. For this reason the library has been split up in smaller sub-entries, which improves load times and tree-shaking. However, this changed the imports for these runtime components and services.

import { AlertService } from '@nsx/ngx-ns-core'
import { AlertService } from '@nsx/ngx-ns-core/alert'

Expanders 6.6.0

· One min read
Koen De Cock
Koen De Cock
R&D Engineer


The expansion resources below provide Expanders 6.6.0.


Expander development changes

Expanders 6.6.0 mainly focuses on improvements for Expander development.

Type attribute for uses

Uses statements in mapping file can now have a type attribute. The way the type is resolved in specific to the import strategy.

For java import, you can now add static imports by adding type="static".

  <uses type="static" eval="'net.democritus.sys.NullDataRef.EMPTY_DATA_REF'"/>

@import parameters

The @imports statement in Expander templates can now have one or more parameters. These parameters in case you have multiple types of imports in the same artifact (e.g. in Angular).

Read more.


There is now support for renaming Expanders, changing packages or changing the artifact location. By defining an ExpanderRelocation DataResource, you can redirect Features and harvest files to the new location, so that everything still works the same way after the change.

Read more.

Angular Expanders 4.3.0

· 2 min read
Jan Hardy
Jan Hardy
R&D Engineer

Changes and improvements

This update contains a lot of improvements for wiring capabilities, making it easier to reuse expanded elements in custom pages.

List page refactored

The expanded list page has been updated to use the new table with multi sort capabilities. The table is extracted from the page component and resides in its separate DataViewTable component. It now uses the upgraded filter component, that is generated based on the QuerySearch setup. Filtering state between the ngx-ns-core component and the generated dropdown form is managed by the new DataConnectorFilterSource service. Instead of managing the pagination, filtering and sorting manually in the list component, a DataConnectorDataSource service has been introduced to make this easier.

Table refactored

Breaking change: Existing components nsx-table, nsx-table-column and directive [nsxTableCell] have been replaced with counterparts from the ngx-ns-core library.

The table now has multi sort capabilities, supports sticky headers and columns, and accepts a NscDataSource as well as data arrays.

Paginator refactored

Breaking change: Existing component nsx-paginator has been replaced with counterpart from the ngx-ns-core library.

Filter refactored

Breaking change: Existing component nsx-table-search has been replaced with counterpart from the ngx-ns-core library. The filtering capabilities have been upgraded.

Expanders 6.4.0

· 2 min read
Koen De Cock
Koen De Cock
R&D Engineer


The expansion resources below provide Expanders 6.4.4.


Changes and improvements

Java 17

Since Expanders 6.0.0, the expanders jars are compiled for Java 17. This means that expansion can only be executed with JDK 17 or higher.

However, expanded code is still java 8 compatible.

enteredBy, enteredAt, lastModifiedBy and lastModifiedAt

There are some field names that, when used, would add additional behavior:

  • enteredAt: filled in with a timestamp when the instance is created
  • enteredBy: filled in with a dataRef to the user that created the instance
  • lastModifiedAt: updated with a timestamp each time the instance is modified
  • lastModifiedBy: updated with a dataRef to the user that modified it

There are now options that add the same behavior and can be added to any field (with the correct type).

  • enteredAt: option audit.create.timestamp
  • enteredBy: option
  • lastModifiedAt: option audit.modify.timestamp
  • lastModifiedBy: option

The options are still implicitly added to the fields with those specific names.

Maven deprecation warnings

Maven builds will now show warnings when deprecated code is used. Can be disabled with maven.hideDeprecationWarnings.

Angular Expanders 4.2.0

· 3 min read
Jan Hardy
Jan Hardy
R&D Engineer

Changes and improvements

Upgrade to Angular 17 and Angular Material 17

In the previous release (4.1.x) we upgraded to from Angular 14 to 16, but used legacy Angular Material 14 components. Now we have upgraded completely to the latest 17 version.

Breaking change: in routing change name and isBreadcrumb data entries to breadcrumb. The former is replaced by breadcrumb and the latter has become obsolete.

Styling setup refactored

Breaking change: _theme-to-material-component-exposer.scss has been replaced with _theme-to-component-exposer.scss. Material expose mixin _theme-to-css-classes-exposer.scss has been deleted. Behaviour can be re-added custom if wanted.

Switch to Material symbols

We switched to Material symbols instead of Material icons as default icon font set.

Added use of Angular library

Created the ngx-ns-core library containing runtime components, services and directives. Some of the expanded components and services have already been migrated, e.g. sidebar, top-bar, breadcrumbs, etc.

REST Expanders 4.0.0

· 3 min read
Frédéric Hannes
Frédéric Hannes
R&D Engineer

Changes and improvements

Migrating to QuerySearch metamodel

Since version 3.x of rest-expanders, which was released just over a year ago, rest-expanders has integrated with querysearch-expanders by using the QuerySearch metamodel. This was introduced in such a way that it was 100% backwards compatible and also added to the model when expanding implicitly, so no change could really be observed from the perspective of an application developer.

Today the QuerySearch metamodel has matured to the point that what currently exists of the model is stable and will no longer have any big structural changes that are not additive. So with this version of rest-expanders, the implicitly added model will be removed. This means that it has to be defined in the model by the developer and coupled to the rest-expanders using the relevant jaxrs.querySearch option that has been implicitly used for quite some time.

The transmuters to add default REST APIs to the model have been modified to do this automatically, so in that sense, there will be no change to the way of interacting with rest-expanders in the majority of cases.

DataCommand options

In rest-expanders version 3.8.0, options were introduced to mark the DataCommands that are to be used for the CRUD operations in the REST API. Starting with this version, the validation to check if this has been migrated has been removed, as well as them being implicitly added to the model. We assume that every project has been migrated by now, but this will be the last version where the Upgrade transmutation for rest-expanders does this migration automatically.

Expanders 5.35.1

· 2 min read
Frédéric Hannes
Frédéric Hannes
R&D Engineer

This version of the expanders updates the groupId of all Maven modules in the expanded application project, to be more consistent and configurable.


The expansion resources below provide Expanders 5.35.1.


Changes and improvements

Maven groupIds

In the past, all modules in the application project had the groupId org.normalizedsystems, except for the ear file module, which was org.normalized. To finally bring some consistency into this and differentiate them from those in other applications (to avoid collisions between base-component artifacts), this has now been changed.

The new groupId is now uniform across the entire project and is specifically org.normalizedsystems with the application shortname added after it in lowercase. So for shortname testApp it is org.normalizedsystems.testapp.

These new groupIds are merely the default settings though, it can now be configured with the application option maven.groupId, for which the value will be used as the groupId instead.

PascalCase for expander templating

We've now added PascalCase as a format for all engines in the expander framework, the same way it is available for other formats.

Workflows 1.6.0 & ProcessAutomation 0.1.0

· 2 min read
Jorren Hendriks
Jorren Hendriks
R&D Engineer

We have been hard at work on the process automation component, which supersedes the workflow component.


workflow-model-stack 1.6.1
process-automation-component 0.1.2

Workflow model

The first step is moving away from database config into the model. The workflow model allows you to define all workflows statically. It also provides bindings for the workflow component such that it automatically updates the database configuration when changes are made to the model. Having the information in the model also gives the MicroRadiant the ability to visualize your workflows.

We also provide a tool for importing existing database configuration into the model.

Stack Rename

From version 1.6.0 onwards, the stack resource is called net.democritus.workflow:workflow-model-stack.

This previously was net.democritus.workflow:workflows-metamodel-stack.

Process automation component

A preview release is now available for the new process automation component!


The version starts with 0.x.x. This is to indicate it is still likely breaking changes are introduced as we move towards a stable 1.0.0 release.

The component is a new approach to workflows, designed with more flexibility in mind. The key distinction is queue based processing, where the previous component could only handle timed polling. This means we can now start supporting a wide range of triggers, such as CRUD events, transitions, cron schedules and even the flow engines you're already familiar with.


Migration can be quite involved depending on the current state of your application. To ease the difficulty, we provide a migration guide with smaller steps so applications can incrementally adopt the new component.

It is recommended for all applications to at least perform Step 1 (workflow model) and Step 2 (task outcome model). This will already give some advantages like model-based configuration and makes it easier to adopt process automation on a stable release.

Expanders 5.33.0

· 2 min read
Koen De Cock
Koen De Cock
R&D Engineer

This version of the expanders introduces improved support for imports in Expanders.

Pruned Imports

This version includes a cleanup of several of the unused imports in Expanders. It is possible you may need to add imports for classes you use in custom code after upgrading.


The expansion resources below provide Expanders 5.33.2.


Changes and improvements

Better support of Imports in mapping files

The mapping file syntax has been extended with 2 new keywords: artifact and uses.

Mapping files often had a separate list statement to resolve imports:

<mapping xmlns="">
<list name="valueTypes"
eval="finder.fieldOperatorPairs.{ field }.{? valueField neq null }.{ javaType }"
param="javaType" unique="javaType">
<filter name="requiresImport" eval="javaType.requiresImport()"/>
<value name="qualifiedType" eval="javaType.qualifiedTypeName"/>
<list name="fields" eval="finder.fieldOperatorPairs"
param="fieldOperatorPair" filter="fieldOperatorPair.field neq null">
<let name="field" eval="fieldOperatorPair.field"/>
<value name="name" eval=""/>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

This can be replaced by adding uses statements for the imported classes. The artifact definition describes which import resolver to use.

<mapping xmlns="">
<artifact this="classBuilder.from(finder).qualifiedName + 'Details'" importStrategy="java"/>
<list name="fields" eval="finder.fieldOperatorPairs"
param="fieldOperatorPair" filter="fieldOperatorPair.field neq null">
<let name="field" eval="fieldOperatorPair.field"/>
<value name="name" eval=""/>
<uses eval="field.javaType"/>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

The imports can then be inserted into the template with @imports:


base() ::= <<
package <dataElement.type.packageName>;

// <expanderComment>

// anchor:imports:start
// anchor:imports:end

Check out the article to learn more.