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2 posts tagged with "expanders-maven-plugin"

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Model Validations 3.0.0 - Transmutations 2.0.0

· One min read
Koen De Cock
Koen De Cock
R&D Engineer
Project setup changed

These versions simplified the setup for projects with validation rules and transmuters. However, this breaks the previous setup. When upgrading to the new versions, make sure you also update follow the migration guide below.

Changes and Improvements

Both Model Validations and Model Transmutations have been refactored to make configuration easier.

The annotation processors are now defined in the validations-core and modelTransmutations-core jars and no longer need to be explicitly added to your maven builds.

<!-- Remove this -->

Furthermore, the generated DataResources are generated in the new format.


Update your expanders-maven-plugin to 2023.3.1 or higher:


Next, remove the DataResource reference in your _data.xml file:

<!-- Remove these -->

Expanders Maven Plugin 2023.3.0

· One min read
Koen De Cock
Koen De Cock
R&D Engineer

Changes and Improvements

The plugin has been refactored to support an easier way to register data-resources with the expansionResource goal.

With the latest version, you can create an XML file with dataResource as root tag and a type attribute:

<dataResource type="elements::Technology">
<technology name="HSQLDB">
<concernType name="DATABASE"/>
<technology name="MARIADB">
<concernType name="DATABASE"/>
<description>MariaDB Database</description>
<technology name="POSTGRESQL">
<concernType name="DATABASE"/>
<description>PostgreSQL Database</description>

The file should still be placed in a resources directory or another directory that is included in the build. The expansionResource mojo will scan through the target/classes directory to find these files and register them. Because of this change, we no longer need a _data.xml file to describe the locations of the data-resources.


To make this change possible, 2 changes have been made to the expansionResource mojo:

  • The mojo now runs on the process-classes phase instead of generate-resources. This allows us to find files copied by the generate-resources step, or created during compilation (e.g. by annotation processors, such as for ValidationRules).
  • The default rootDirectory is now ${} instead of ${project.baseDir}/src/main. This directory is used to find Expanders, Features, DataResources etc. The behaviour should be the same.