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REST Expanders 2.13.0

· One min read
Frédéric Hannes
Frédéric Hannes
R&D Engineer

Removed generated PATCH annotation

To annotate PATCH methods in the REST API, the expanders used the io.swagger.jaxrs.PATCH annotation, which is part of the Swagger library. The reason for using this, is that the JAX-RS libraries did not include this by default, since PATCH was a later addition to the HTTP standard.

Using this annotation caused an issue, as it is part of the Swagger libraries, creating an unwanted coupling, as well as an issue when the enableSwagger option was not used. To resolve this, a new expanded annotation was added as <componentName>.jaxrs.method.PATCH, which is referenced when the option enableSwagger is not used.

Recent versions of JAX-RS now include the annotation, just like the annotations for other default HTTP methods. Therefor all dependencies on both the Swagger PATCH annotation, as well as the generated one have been replaced. As this deprecates the generated annotation, this has also been removed from the expanders.

To update custom code that uses either annotation, simply replace the import with