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QuerySearch Expanders 1.11.0

· One min read
Frédéric Hannes
Frédéric Hannes
R&D Engineer


The QuerySearchResolver class was moved from the data layer to the logic layer. Since this is used most commonly to resolve references to other components, the use of Cruds classes in the data layer will create high coupling between those components, which is not intended.

To transition to the logic layer implementation, the Agent classes should be used when resolving data for elements in other components. In this scenario there is also no need to use dependency injection with EJB, as the agents do not require this.

A transient option querysearch.transient.dataLayerResolver.enable has been supplied to revert the behavior of the expanders for backwards compatibility. But keep in mind that this option will be removed in the future and has only been supplied for short-term compatibility if needed, allowing for planning to upgrade the codebase. This option will once again expand the QuerySearchResolver in the data layer, rather than the logic layer.