# Option Types List
| legacy.finders.keepOrder | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Keep order of finders (do not add findByNameEq and findAll as first finders) | - |
| setBatchFinder | `required` <code>/find.+/</code> | `FlowElement`, `FlowElement` | | Set finder to use to find the next batch | - |
| target.class.custom | `required` | `TaskElement` | | Sets the target class of a TaskElement | - |
| target.element.projection | `required` | `TaskElement` | | Sets the target projection of a TaskElement | - |
| valuetype.migrate.storageType | `required` | `NativeType` | | Automatically add this NativeType to custom ValueFields with the defined storageType. | - |
| valuetype.migrate.displayType | `required` | `NativeType` | | Automatically add this NativeType to custom ValueFields with the defined displayType. | - |
| valueType.migration | `required` <code>/[^:]*::[^:]+/</code> | `SimpleValueType` | | Adds a corresponding ValueFieldType so that the MigrateValueFieldsToValueType transmuter will map fields of that type to this type. | net.democritus.model:prime-transmutations::2.1.1 |
| noClientLayer | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Do not expand client layer files for this element. Also applies to child elements. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| noControlLayer | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Do not expand control layer files for this element. Also applies to child elements. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| noDataLayer | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Do not expand data layer files for this element. Also applies to child elements. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| noLogicLayer | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Do not expand logic layer files for this element. Also applies to child elements. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| noProxyLayer | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Do not expand proxy layer files for this element. Also applies to child elements. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| noViewLayer | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement`, `Finder` | `cascading` | Do not expand view layer files for this element. Also applies to child elements. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isDetailsOnly | `none` | `DataElement` | | Only generate 1 artifact for this element: the Details class | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| experimental.maven.noViewPom | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Do not generate the pom.xml file for the view layer. May speed up the build time. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hideAnchors | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Hide expander and feature anchors (custom anchors are still enabled) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| artifactWriter | `required` <code>/([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*\.)*[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*/</code> | `ExpansionSettings` | | Provide an alternative artifact writer | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| expansion.failFast | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Stop at the first failed expander or expansionStep | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cleanExpansion | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Always clean expansion directory before expansion | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| dryRun | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Run expanders without writing any files | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| excludeExpanders | `required` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Exclude expanders matching the given glob pattern | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| excludeExpansionSteps | `required` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Exclude expansion steps matching the given glob pattern | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| excludeFeatures | `required` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Exclude features matching the given glob pattern | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| experimental.localUpdate | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Check local maven repository when updating expansion-resources | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| includeExpanders | `required` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Only run expanders matching the given glob pattern. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| skipPhase | `required` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Skip all phases matching the given glob pattern | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| updateResources | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Update expansion-resources before expansion | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| harvest.force | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Force harvest even for modules that have the option `harvest.skip` | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| harvest.modelDirectory.override | `required` | `ExpansionSettings` | | Override the modelDirectory for harvest files | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| harvest.failOnMissingArtifact | `none` | `ExpansionSettings` | | If enabled, harvest will fail when trying harvest an Artifact that cannot be found. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| struts.disableStrutsErrorsToCommandResult | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Disable the mapping of struts field errors to CommandResult errors | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| struts.unauthorized | <code>/redirect|error-page/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | If undefined or set to redirect, the application will redirect unauthorized users to the relogin page. If set to error-page, a dedicated unauthorized error-page will be expanded. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| struts.unauthorized.json | <code>/status \d\d\d/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | If the value corresponds to `status {statusCode}`, that status code will be returned for unauthorized json requests. E.g. `status 401` | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| struts.security.custom | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Disable expansion of account security hooks in the application, so that a custom security implementation can be provided. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| struts.security.csrfProtection | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Add protection against CSRF | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| struts.security.enforceHttpMethod | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Enforce the correct https methods on each request | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| jpa.datasource | `required` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component` | | Set the name of the target datasource in the persistence.xml | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| jpa.datasource.nonjta | `required` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component` | | Set the name of the target non-jta datasource in the persistence.xml | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| jpa.entity.name.format | <code>/java_underscore|element|underscore/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Set the naming strategy for entity names in the data layer. Options are java_underscore (packageName with underscores instead of dots), element (`{component}.{dataElement}`), underscore (`{component}_{dataElement}`) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| jpa.columnDefinition | `required` | `SimpleValueType` | | Define a database column definition for the fields of this type. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| db.global.noSchemas | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | This global option disables schemas for all elements, even if there is component/dataElement schema customization. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| db.global.schemaName | `required` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Forces all elements to use the specified schema, even if there is component/dataElement schema customization. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| db.tableName.format | `required` <code>/lastPackage|appl4_comp4_prefix|uppercase|lowercase/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Set special table naming format: `lastPackage` prepends the last part of the package name, `appl4_comp4_prefix` prepends a prefix based on the application and component names | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| db.schema.enableEscapeTableName | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Escapes the table name of the DataElement, as some names could be seen as reserved keywords by the database engine. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasMtmMappedBy | `required` | `Field` | | Set the inverse field name for an Ln06 field. (Inverse field should be a Ln03 field on the linked element) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasOtmMappedBy | `required` | `Field` | | Set the inverse field name for an Ln04 field. (Inverse field should be a Ln02 field on the linked element) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasMtmTable | `required` | `Field` | | Sets the name for the join table for an Ln03 field. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasDataFieldName | `required` | `Field` | | Changes the name of the column in the database for this field | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasDataTableName | `required` | `DataElement` | | Overrides the database table name for this DataElement. Value should be table name. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasDataSchemaName | `required` | `DataElement` | | Overrides the schema name for this DataElement and changes the table name to be unique. Value should be schema name. If defined, it will also change the table naming to use `lastPackage` format. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| databaseSchemaName | | `DataElement` | | Set the schema name for this DataElement. Value should be schema name. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasDataBaseSchema | | `Component` | | Sets the schema name for all DataElements in the component, unless otherwise specified in the DataElement itself. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hibernate.version | `required` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Set the hibernate version to a specific version. Defaults to 5. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| persistence.useGlobalSequence | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Enables the use of a native database sequence to generate IDs. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| persistence.secondLevelCache | `none` | `DataElement` | | Adds second-level cache to the persistence layer. Currently only works with Hibernate 5. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| persistence.identifier (alias: experimental.persistence.identifier, experimental.persistence.defaultIdentifier) | `required` <code>/sequence|identityColumn|custom/</code> | `ApplicationInstance`, `Application`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Set the id generation strategy. Can be `sequence` or `identityColumn`. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| persistence.sequence.name (alias: experimental.persistence.sequence.name, experimental.persistence.sequence.defaultName) | `required` <code>/\w+/</code> | `ApplicationInstance`, `Application`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Set the name of the native sequence that is used for id generation, if native sequences are used. The default name is `NS_SEQUENCE`. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| persistence.sequence.schema (alias: experimental.persistence.sequence.schema, experimental.persistence.sequence.defaultSchema) | <code>/\w+/</code> | `ApplicationInstance`, `Application`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Set the name of the schema where a native sequence the located that is used for id generation, if native sequences are used. By default, the schema of the DataElement is used. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| persistence.schemaUpdating | `required` <code>/update|validate|none/</code> (default: `update`) | `ApplicationInstance`, `Application` | `alwaysEnabled` | This option can toggle the automatic updating of database schemas through a JPA implementation. Currently automatic updating is enabled by default. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| legacy.nameNotWanted.pojoName | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Reverts a change that unifies how option nameNotWanted removes name everywhere. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| disableControlSources | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Disable source directories for application control layer, which are added to the war by default. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isBranchingTask | `none` | `TaskElement` | | Allows the task to have multiple end states. Changes the return type of the task to the target end state. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isClaimElement | `none` | `DataElement` | | This dataElement can be used as a claim. The element requires the fields element(String), claimId(String) and targetId(Long). | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isClaimable | <code>/.+(\.|::).+/</code> | `DataElement` | | Provides methods to claim and release instances. Value should be a reference to the claim element (.) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isStatusField | `none` | `Field` | | This field is used as a status field for a FlowElement. Adds support methods for workflows. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| findByClaimed | `none` | `Finder` | | Only find instances that have been claimed with a specified claimId | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| findByNotClaimed | `none` | `Finder` | | Only find instances that have not been claimed | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| excludeStatuses | `none` | `FlowElement` | | Don't generate TaskStatus elements for this flow. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| includeTimers | `none` | `FlowElement` | | Deprecated | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isService | `none` | `FlowElement` | | This workflow will act as a service. Each instance being processed will return to it's original status after execution. (Replaces Service elements) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| useClaims | `none` | `FlowElement` | | The engine will use claims to retrieve its batches. This prevents multiple engines from taking up the same instances. The target dataElement should be claimable. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.table.pageSize | `required` <code>/unlimited|\d+(\s*,\s*\d+)*/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | | Set the pageSize of the table on the DataElement page, or provide multiple comma-separated values to get a dropdown. Setting it to `unlimited` will disable paging. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.table.csvExportButton | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | | Adds a button to export CSV files | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.createWithProjection | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Adds a method to create an instance with a projection other than details. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.modifyWithProjection | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Adds a method to modify an instance with a projection other than details. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.bulk.delete | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Allows the user to select and delete multiple instances at once using ctrl+click, shift+click or double+click. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.softDelete | `none` | `Field` | | Overrides the default delete functionality to instead use this field as a field to filter out deleted instances. The deleted instances will still be present in the database, but not visible. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.softDeleteOnModify | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Delete instances on modify if a disabled field is set to false. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.form.hide | `none` | `Field` | | New UI: Hide this field in all forms | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.form.hideOnCreate | `none` | `Field` | | New UI: Hide this field on the create form | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.form.hideOnModify | `none` | `Field` | | New UI: Hide this field on the edit form | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.form.disable | `none` | `Field` | | New UI: Disable this field in all forms | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.form.disableOnCreate | `none` | `Field` | | New UI: Disable this field on the create form | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.form.disableOnModify | `none` | `Field` | | New UI: Disable this field on the edit form | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cruds.table.hide | `none` | `Field`, `CalculatedField`, `ReferenceField` | | Hide this field in the table views. Applies to both old and new UI. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| finders.enableTypedFinders | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Recommended, Adds strict typing to ensure finders that finders match the target dataElement when using `find()`. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| security.hstsHeader | | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Add HSTS header to each response of the control layer. (https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| baseComponents.authentication.disableInternalAuth | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Prevent the internal username/password authentication from showing up in the login screen. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| mvn.version.appendUniqueLabel | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Append label to versions of maven pom files to make the artifacts of this application unique. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| experimental.maven.speedOverSize | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Experimental option that speeds up builds by disabling compression on ear/war | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| experimental.maven.useIncrementalCompilation | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Experimental option that speeds up subsequent builds of a project | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hideComponentMetaInfo | `none` | `Component` | | Do not show model and customization info of this component on the application info widget. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| useLogicSecurity | `none` | `Component` | | Generate authorization check in logic layer. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| maven.component.isJarModule | `none` | `Component` | | Packages the logic and data layers of this component as a jar module (without beans) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| cascadeDelete | `none` | `Component` | | On delete, all instances in fields with option `aggregation: composite` will also be deleted | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| configuration.properties | `none` | `Component` | | Generate a `{Component}ApplicationSettings` class, which reads `{component}.ns.properties` file from the classpath and exposes the configured properties. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| functionalKey | `required` <code>/.+(_.+)*/</code> | `DataElement` | | Defines 1 or more fields as a functional key. These fields will be added to the dataRef of the dataElement. Add the names of the fields as value, separated by `_` (e.g. name_version). | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| uniqueKey | `required` <code>/.+(_.+)*/</code> | `DataElement` | | Defines a set of fields that together should be unique. Value should be field-names separated by `_`. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| nameNotWanted | `none` | `DataElement` | | Will prevent the expanders from generating a `name` field | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| includePrepareMethod | `none` | `DataElement` | | Adds methods to the beans to prepare command or details objects for input. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| insertTableIds | `required` <code>/.+(_.+)*/</code> | `DataElement` | | Adds id's to the table of target dataElement. Value should be field-names separated by `_`. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| projection.detailsWithoutRefs | `none` | `DataElement` | | Include extra 'DetailsWithoutRefs' projection which will include all value fields + id of the link fields | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| io.export | `none` | `DataElement` | | Adds boilerplate code to export data in various formats. Automatically added is `includeCsvExport` was set. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| io.import | `none` | `DataElement` | | Adds boilerplate code to import data from various formats. Automatically added is `includeCsvImport` was set. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| defaultValue | `required` | `Field` | | Provides a default value for this field for new instances. Works for Strings, numbers and booleans | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| generateUuid | <code>/if_empty/</code> | `Field` | | Causes a new UUID to be generated and stored in this field whenever a new instance of its parent DataElement is created. Use value "if_empty" to generate a UUID only if no value was passed to the create method in the details object. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isExposedField | `none` | `Field` | | Adds additional methods to the beans to get and set the value of this field. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isNullable | `none` | `Field` | | Field is initialized as null. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isRequired | `none` | `Field` | | This field is required and thus cannot be undefined. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isVersion | `none` | `Field` | | This is a version field. The version will be updated on modification. This prevents that data is overwritten by outdated data. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| validation.listField | `none` | `Field` | | Rejects any new values for this field that are not listed as a valid TagValuePair | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isCustomFinder | `none` | `Finder` | | Creates custom anchors to implement a custom finder | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isCustomizableFinder | `none` | `Finder` | | Adds custom anchors to the find method in the finder bean | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasBridgeClass | `required` <code>/.+\..+/</code> | `TaskElement` | | Creates an instance of another DataElement at the end of this task. Provide the java qualified name of the target element. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasResultClass | `required` | `TaskElement` | | Changes the return type for implementations of this task. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| noDelegation | `none` | `TaskElement` | | Opt-out of Task delegation. Not recommended but allows a task to be implemented in the Bean directly. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| includeRemoteAccess | `none` | `TaskElement` | | Not recommended. Generates a Proxy and Agent class to execute this task. Accessible through the struts api. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| includeParameters | <code>/.+\..+/</code> | `TaskElement` | | Looks at the StateTask configuration and looks up a instance of the target element to pass as parameter. Provide the java qualified name of the target element in the value of this option or in the paramClass field. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasImplicitNameField | `none` | `DataElement` | | Automatically added by prime-core to flag DataElements with implicit name fields. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| restriction.translation.nl | | `CustomRestriction`, `Digits`, `Future`, `Past`, `NotNull`, `StringLength`, `StringPattern`, `NumberBounds` | | Define an NL translation for this restriction | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| restriction.translation.en | | `CustomRestriction`, `Digits`, `Future`, `Past`, `NotNull`, `StringLength`, `StringPattern`, `NumberBounds` | | Define an EN translation for this restriction | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| csv.export (alias: includeCsvExport) | <code>/([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*\.)*[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Target dataElement will have a REST-endpoint and dedicated page for CSV export. Useful for extracting Data. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| csv.import (alias: includeCsvImport) | <code>/([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*\.)*[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance`, `Component`, `DataElement` | `cascading` | Target dataElement will have a REST-endpoint and dedicated page for CSV import. Useful for uploading initial Data. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| csv.import.merge | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Provides merging of CSV columns with existing values during import | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| csv.disable | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Disables CSV options for all Components and DataElements | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasTranslation | `required` | `Field`, `Finder` | | Replaces all references to the field/finder in all translation files. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| view.buttons.commands | `none` | `DataElement` | | Adds a button for each command to the standard page (useful when prototyping) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasSearchBar | <code>/.+:.+/</code> | `DataElement` | | Provides a search bar to search on a string field. Value should be `field:op` where op is the operator(eq|lt|gt|lk) (default = name:eq) | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| hasDisplayName | `required` <code>/.+(_.+)*/</code> | `DataElement` | | Will override the name of the element as shown in forms. This changes the name of the instance in the DataRef and may have some unintended side effect. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| isLinkDriver | `required` <code>/linkTarget:\s*".+"\s*,\s*finder:\s*".+"(\s*,\s*finderField:\s*".+")?/</code> | `Field` | | UI: filters the options of another linkField based on the value selected in this field. Set the value to `linkTarget: "$targetField$", finder: "$finderForTargetElement$", finderField: "$fieldToUseInFinder$"` | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| view.list.multiselect | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Enable selection of multiple items. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| jndi.appName | | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Change the name of the application in jndi names for beans. Should be matched by the application server settings. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| view.updateFormFix | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Fixes fields not updating in edit forms by reworking triggers. | net.democritus:Expanders::5.28.1 |
| assets.implementsCustomAsset | <code>/(?i)(?!File|Internal|Remote)(?-i)[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+/</code> | `DataElement` | | Indicates that a DataElement represents the data for a custom asset type, equivalent to an element such as assets::FileAsset. The value of the option is used as the name of the asset type. If no value is given, the name of the DataElement is used as the asset type name. | net.democritus:base-components::2023.3.2 |
| assets.embeddedUpload | `required` <code>/FILE|INTERNAL|REMOTE/</code> (default: `FILE`) | `Field` | | When added on a linkfield to `assets::Asset`, a file upload button for the field in the generated UI instead of a combobox. | net.democritus:base-components::2023.3.2 |
| baseComponents.authentication.enableOIDC | `required` <code>/[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:,[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*/</code> | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Enable OpenID Connect authentication for the account component. | net.democritus:base-components::2023.3.2 |
| excludeFromSqlGeneration | `none` | `Component` | | Prevents SQL queries from being generated for the component. | net.democritus:sql-expanders::3.0.1 |
| sql.structureFile.name | `required` <code>/[a-zA-z0-9\-\_]+/</code> | `ApplicationInstance` | | Defines the name of the expanded SQL file that initializes the database structure. The name should not include the extension and the default is '000-init-database'. | net.democritus:sql-expanders::3.0.1 |
| view.date.fixTimezone | `none` | `Application`, `ApplicationInstance` | | Fixes the timezone of the date input and display so that it both uses the local time. | net.democritus:web-styles::2023.1.3 |
| valueType.date.utc | `none` | `SimpleValueType` | | Represent time in UTC | net.democritus:web-styles::2023.1.3 |
## Additional Information
expanded with nsx-expanders:5.37.4, expansionResource org.normalizedsystems:meta-doc-expanders:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT